Look -- I do nothing; He performs all deeds
by Farid ud-Din AttarEnglish version by Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis
Original Language Persian/Farsi
Look -- I do nothing; He performs all deeds
And He endures the pain when my heart bleeds.
When He draws near and grants you an audience
Should you hang back in tongue-tied diffidence?
When will your cautious heart consent to go
Beyond the homely boundaries you know?
O slave, if He should show His love to you,
Love which His deeds perpetually renew,
You will be nothing, you will disappear --
Leave all to Him who acts, and have no fear.
If there is any "you", if any wraith
Of self persists, you've strayed outside our faith.
-- from The Conference of the Birds, Translated by Afkham Darbandi / Translated by Dick Davis |
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