The mountain stands steady in its grandeur

by Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards)

Original Language English

The mountain stands steady in its grandeur,
rising from the mists of the lowlands,
summit shrouded in clouds of unknowing.
A hidden path winds its way up from the jungle,
     lost to all but one in love.
Blessed by the Devi,
she endured the hardships,
followed her inspiration
and entered the cave of the heart of the mountain.
Her sanctuary found
she shed the coarse garments of the world
and surrendered to the quiet ecstasy of utter stillness
deep within her mountain,
unaware that at that moment,
a thousand birds rose from the mountainside,
taking flight in joy!

-- from Kali's Bazaar: Gifts of Devotion to the Divine, Buddhist Wisdom, and Kundalini Yoga Tantra, by Lawrence Edwards

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The mountain stands