The Beloved Comes Home

by Mirabai

English version by V. K. Sethi

The one I longed for has come home;
The raging fire of separation is quenched.
Now I rejoice with Him, I sing in bliss.

The peacocks at the cloud's roar
Dance with unbound joy;
I rejoice in ecstasy
At the sight of my Beloved.

I am absorbed in His love;
My misery of wandering
In the world has ended.
The lily bursts into bloom
At the sight of the full moon;
Seeing Him, my heart blossoms in joy.
Peace permeates this body of mine;
His arrival has filled my home with bliss.

That very Lord has become my own
Who is ever the redeemer of His devotees.
Mira's heart, scorched by the blaze of separation,
Has become cool and refreshed;
The pain of duality has vanished.

-- from Mira: The Divine Lover (Mystics of the East Series), Translated by V. K. Sethi

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

The one I longed for has come home;
The raging fire of separation is quenched.
Now I rejoice with Him, I sing in bliss.

Mirabai, the great lover devotee of God, sings to us of the joy of union, communion...

The lily bursts into bloom
At the sight of the full moon

In Indian metaphysics, the masculine aspect of the Divine is often compared to the beauty of the moon, which the (feminine) soul instinctively yearns for. And mystics the world over compare the experience of spiritual illumination with the gently descending light of the full moon.

The lily that bursts into bloom is the crown chakra, the energetic seat of enlightenment, often described as a brilliant thousand petaled lotus flower (water lily). When awakened, it unfolds, and the lover experiences mystical union while bathed in light.

Seeing Him, my heart blossoms in joy.
Peace permeates this body of mine;
His arrival has filled my home with bliss.

The body and mind come to rest, tensions fall away. The awareness is filled with peace and immense bliss. The heart too opens. When the attention is drawn inward, the wide open heart experiences this great bliss as joy; when the attention turns outward, the heart feels an all-embracing love.

In this bliss, in this wholeness, the fundamental pain of separation is lost. Amidst the larger, blissful sense of Self that emerges, separation is perceived to have been an illusion, phantom-like, dispelled along with that collection of psychic tensions carried since early childhood.

This is how Mirabai can sing--

Mira's heart, scorched by the blaze of separation,
Has become cool and refreshed;
The pain of duality has vanished.

I look outside: such a lovely spring day in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. A perfect day to sit at the doorsill, awaiting the Beloved's arrival.

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The Beloved Comes