The Beloved

by Javad Nurbakhsh

Original Language Persian/Farsi & English

An entire lifetime we have remained captives in our own cage.
This much is clear: we cannot become settled in this trap.

O Beloved, cast but a glance our way; have mercy:
We are the wretched and poor of Your lane.

O auspicious master, you who pay no attention to us,
Through your love our hearts grow young, however old we may be.

Ever since your love brought light to the house of the heart,
Our minds have been at peace, far from both cleric and king.

Once we heard Gabriel's call at the tavern door,
We became strangers to the melodies and songs of the world.

Come back and take this ego away, that only You might remain:
We've been weary and fed up with our existence for such a long time.

We've washed our hands of everything, that You might bestow light:
We've given our heads on Your path, and lie ready to die at Your feet.

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The Beloved