Jay Ramsay, Jay Ramsay poetry, Secular or Eclectic, Secular or Eclectic poetry,  poetry,  poetry,  poetry Jay Ramsay
England (1959 - 2019) Timeline
Secular or Eclectic

Poems by Jay Ramsay
Books - Links

Jay Ramsay is a British poet and psychotherapist.

He has been on the poetry scene over the last 25 years as a voice for transformative spiritual, political and psychological awareness. He has been described as “England's foremost transformation poet” (Caduceus magazine, 2007). He believes that poetry has a unique, catalytic role in our culture.

Jay has edited poetry for Kindred Spirit (1997-2004), Caduceus (2002-), and More to Life (2006). More recently he has been poet-in-residence at St James' Church, Piccadilly in London (2005-6).

Anamnesis is now available on CD (recorded with Tibetan bowls) from www.lotusfoundation.org.uk, the website also has the texts of the 16 poems, written monthly over the period.

More recently he has completed a residency in the Sinai desert for the Makhad Trust (March 2010) with a sequence of poems and photographs (see www.makhad.org) which will be published and exhibited, and also for the church at North Stoke near Bath (July-August 2010) for Martin Palmer at ICOREC/ARC. www.arcworld.org

Jay Ramsay has written many individual collections including Kingdom of the Edge (New & Selected Poems 1980-1998; Element Books, 1999), some classic Chinese translations Tao Te Ching, I Ching, Kuan Yin; Element, 1993/HarperCollins, 1995), and two acclaimed prose books about alchemy (1997 and 2005), he has also edited four anthologies of New British Poetry: Angels of Fire - an anthology of radical poetry, commissioned by Andrew Motion (Chatto & Windus, 1986), Transformation - the poetry of spiritual consciousness (RGP, 1988), Earth Ascending - an anthology of living poetry, 55 Contemporary British Poets (Stride, 1997), and Into the Further Reaches - an anthology of Contemporary British Poetry celebrating the spiritual journey (64 poets: PS Avalon, 2007).

His latest collections are Out of Time, Poems 1998-2008 (PSAvalon), The Poet in You (O Books) and Places of Truth (Awen).

Poems by Jay Ramsay

Recommended Books: Jay Ramsay

The Longing in Between: Sacred Poetry from Around the World (A Poetry Chaikhana Anthology) Diamond Cutters: Visionary Poets in America, Britain & Oceania Places of Truth: Journeys into Sacred Wilderness Out of Time Kingdom of the Edge: Poems for the Spirit
The Poet in You Transmissions

Related Links

Interview with Jay Ramsay

A good, thought-provoking interview with Jay Ramsay.

Many Leaves... Jay Ramsay - poems

A sampling of more poems by Jay Ramsay

Jay Ramsay

Jay Ramsay's official website, focusing on his poetry, psychotherapy, and healing work. Several samples of his poems. A complete list of all his published books. And more information on his workshops.
Jay Ramsay