Who are You, who keeps my heart awake? (from The Lover of God)

by Rabindranath Tagore

English version by Tony Stewart and Chase Twitchell
Original Language Bengali

Who are You, who keeps my heart awake?
Every moment is lit by You, so that I feel
no longer separate from You.

Whose flute is playing sweet and bitter
songs of love? It starts the cuckoos singing,
and calls the nectar-heavy bees of my desire.

A young wife could be blooming
in the season of honey, watching the moon,
and be stolen in a moment.

Touch Radha, Whoever You are. She shivers
at Your feet, risking everything to bear
love's searing fire. Master, is that not You?

She's grown reckless with her soul.
Her fear is gone, her hesitation. Who are You?
She'll weep at Your lotus feet until she knows.

-- from The Lover of God, by Rabindranath Tagore / Translated by Tony Stewart

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Who are You, who