The Rapture

by Thomas Traherne

Original Language English

     Sweet Infancy!
     O Fire of heaven! O sacred Light
     How fair and bright,
     How great am I,
Whom all the world doth magnify!

     O Heavenly Joy!
O great and sacred blessedness
     Which I possess!
     So great a joy
Who did into my arms convey?

     From God above
Being sent, the Heavens me enflame:
     To praise his Name
     The stars to move!
The burning sun doth shew His love.

     O how divine
Am I! To all this sacred wealth,
     This life and health,
     Who raised? Who mine
Did make the same? What hand divine?

-- from Poetry for the Spirit: Poems of Universal Wisdom and Beauty, Edited by Alan Jacobs

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The Rapture