Heart of the Buddha

by Hsu Yun

Original Language Chinese

No need to chase back and forth like the waves.
The same water which ebbs is the same water that flows.
No point turning back to get water
When it's flowing around you in all directions
The heart of the Buddha and the people of the world...
Where is there any difference?

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

No need to chase back and forth like the waves.
The same water which ebbs is the same water that flows.

I love Hsu Yun's realization here. It's so... restful. No need to rush after this or that. No Herculean efforts required.

No point turning back to get water
When it's flowing around you in all directions

All that is asked of us is to become quiet, still, and at last recognize the oceanic eternal principle that already flows around us and through us and fills everything.

The heart of the Buddha and the people of the world...
Where is there any difference?

All the world is already at rest in the heart of the Buddha. The only work is to see this.

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Heart of the Buddha