Searching for the Dharma

by Hsu Yun

Original Language Chinese

You've traveled up ten thousand steps in search of the Dharma.
So many long days in the archives, copying, copying.
The gravity of the Tang and the profundity of the Sung
make heavy baggage.
Here! I've picked you a bunch of wildflowers.
Their meaning is the same
but they're much easier to carry.

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/ Image by Riki-Tiki-Myu /

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

Something I wrote a few years back, in the springtime...

Walking yesterday, the trees are shyly showing their green buds, returning color to the world. I turned a corner and was bathed in the honey scent of new plum blossoms. These are the true books of the Dharma.

The great masters don't wear an academic scowl; a silly grin sits easy on their faces. Must be from so much study on such a Spring day...

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The Longing in Between: Sacred Poetry from Around the World (A Poetry Chaikhana Anthology) A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry A Pictoral Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun Empty Cloud: The Autobiography of Chinese Zen Master, Hsu Yun

Searching for the