Beannacht / Blessing |
For Light |
Abhishiktananda, Swami (Le Saux, Henri) Arunachala is a symbol |
Andal The full moon day of Margazhi is here (from Tiruppavai) |
Ayaz Faith knows You |
Basho, Matsuo From moon wreathed |
Battacharya, Mahendranath Tell me, what are you doing now, Mind |
Beni Raga Ramkali |
Blake, William Auguries of Innocence |
Buson winter moon |
Carpenter, Edward The sun, the moon and the stars |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Kubla Khan |
cummings, e. e. i carry your heart with me |
cummings, e. e. the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls |
Dogen, Eihei midnight -- no waves, no wind |
Dogen, Eihei Zazen |
Fox, John The Poem Waits at Its Own Core |
Francis of Assisi The Canticle of Brother Sun |
Francis of Assisi The Canticle of Brother Sun |
Granger, Ivan M. Goodnight Moon |
Granger, Ivan M. There Is No Letting Go |
Granger, Ivan M. Adi Atman 9: you you |
Gyatso, Kelsang Little Tiger |
ha Nagid, Samuel Gazing Through the Night |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Covers Her Face with Both Hands |
Hakuin Hakuin's Song of Zazen |
Hakuin Past, present, future: unattainable |
Hakuin The Form of the Formless (from Hakuin's Song of Zazen) |
Hakuin The monkey is reaching |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Above Cold Mountain the moon shines alone |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Beyond Silence |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) My heart is like the autumn moon |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Sitting alone in peace before these cliffs |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Contemplation |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Full Moon Festival |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Looking for Each Other |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Padmapani |
Hao-jan, Meng A Night on the River |
Hao-jan, Meng Climbing Long-View Mountain's Highest Peak |
Hayati, Bibi How can I see the splendor of the moon |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku Roll the Dharma thunder (from The Song of Enlightenment) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [10] The rays shining from this perfect Mani-jewel (from The Shodoka) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [26] The moon shines on the river (from The Shodoka) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [36] One moon is reflected in many waters (from The Shodoka) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [63] However the burning iron ring revolves around my head (from The Shodoka) |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar From his light (from The Poem of the Sufi Way) |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar In memory of the beloved (from The Wine Ode (al-Khamriyah)) |
Ikkyu (Sojun, Ikkyu) A Fisherman |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad O Cup-bearer! Give me again that wine of love for Thee (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Selfhood can demolish the magic of this world (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Islam, Nazrul Come silently like the Moon |
Islam, Nazrul Song of Dawn |
Jacobsen, Rolf Moon and Apple |
Jakushitsu A Visit to Hattoji Temple |
Jakushitsu Living in the Mountains |
Jakushitsu Rain in Autumn |
Jayadeva You rest on the circle of Sri's breast (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jimenez, Juan Ramon Full Moon |
Kabir The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright |
Kabir The moon shines in my body |
Kalidasa Eight forms has Shiva, lord of all and king |
Kamalakanta Ever-blissful Kali |
Kamalakanta O Kali, my Mother full of Bliss! |
Kerouac, Jack The Scripture of the Golden Eternity |
Khayyam, Omar [59] Listen again |
Khayyam, Omar [74] Ah, Moon of my Delight who know'st no wane |
Ko Un Two beggars |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Ah, Come Sit Beside Me |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu I have been a wanderer long (from The Search) |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Song of the Beloved (from The Immortal Friend) |
Lalan As the man and the woman in me |
Lalan Could I ever forget him |
Lalan The moon is encircled by moons |
Lalla Day will be erased in night |
Lalla I hacked my way through six forests |
Latif Bhitai, Shah Abdul If you are seeking Allah |
Levertov, Denise Scraps of moon |
Li Bai Alone and Drinking Under the Moon |
Li Bai Along the Stream |
Li Bai Autumn River Song |
Li Bai In the Quiet Night |
Li Bai Quiet Thoughts, Late |
Li Bai Self-Abandonment |
Lowitz, Leza Waiting |
Lu Tung Pin When the moon is high I'll take my cane for a walk |
Machado, Antonio Songs |
Maghribi, Muhammad Shirin The Moon of Your Love |
Maharshi, Ramana The Marital Garland of Letters |
Masahide Masahide's Death Poem |
McCombs, Chris Come Have a Drink |
Merton, Thomas A Psalm |
Milarepa Upon this earth, the land of the Victorious Ones |
Milosz, Czeslaw A Song on the End of the World |
Mistral, Gabriela I Am Not Alone |
Niffari (an-Niffari, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan) The Standing "My Time Has Come" |
Nukata Let's Get to Rowing |
O'Brian, Ellen Grace Anahata |
O'Brian, Ellen Grace Maya |
Pattinattar The eightfold Yoga |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary The Splendour of God |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Conquer Death with the drumbeat Ma! Ma! Ma! |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Who is that Syama woman |
Ramsay, Jay At Fintry House |
Reninger, Elizabeth Vision |
Rosenstock, Gabriel I create silences |
Rosenstock, Gabriel inch by inch |
Rosenstock, Gabriel sickle moon |
Rosenstock, Gabriel the grace showered on me |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (2) From each and every pore (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (8) Barefoot (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (11) Your nakedness (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Suddenly, in the sky at dawn, a moon appeared |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin That moon which the sky never saw |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The glow of the light of daybreak is in your emerald vault, the goblet of the blood of twilight is your blood-measuring bowl |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin There is some kiss we want |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin A World with No Boundaries (Ghazal 363) |
Ryokan Reply to a Friend |
Ryokan The Autumn Moon |
Ryokan The thief left it behind |
Ryokan You stop to point at the moon in the sky |
Sanai, Hakim Meditation |
Sanai, Hakim Naked in the Bee-House |
Santoka (Taneda, Santoka) Alone, I watch the moon |
Sarmad Companion |
Sarton, May Bliss |
Saure, Gunter brilliant moons |
Shankara In Praise of the Goddess |
Shih-te (Pickup) Behold the glow of the moon |
Shikibu, Izumi Although the wind |
Shikibu, Izumi Watching the moon |
Shiwu (Stonehouse) It's something no on can force |
Shiwu (Stonehouse) Paper windows bamboo walls hedge of hibiscus |
Shiwu (Stonehouse) Trying to become a Buddha is easy |
Singh, Darshan At dusk, at dawn I gaze upon your beauty |
Singh, Darshan In what state was I |
Snyder, Gary Once Only |
Soseki, Muso Hui-neng's Pond |
Soseki, Muso Old Creek |
Surdas Krishna Awakes |
Tagore, Rabindranath He's there among the scented trees (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath Listen, can you hear it? (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath Your flute plays the exact notes of my pain. (from The Lover of God) |
Teasdale, Sara Oh You Are Coming |
Teasdale, Sara The Fountain |
Teasdale, Sara Two Songs for Solitude |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Eärendil the Mariner |
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Song of Beren and Lúthien |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Upon the hearth the fire is red |
Trungpa, Chogyam A flower is always happy |
Trungpa, Chogyam A Heart Lost and Discovered |
Tu Fu Visiting the Monastery at Lung-men |
Tukaram Thou art more kind than mother dear |
Tulsi Sahib Glimpse of the Invisible |
Tulsi Sahib The Rainy Season |
Tung-Shan (Tozan) Verses on the Five Ranks |
Vidyapati The moon has shone upon me |
Walcott, Derek Earth |
Wei, Wang Bamboo Cottage |
Wei, Wang Drifting on the Lake |
Wei, Wang Living in the Mountain on an Autumn Night |
Wu Men Hui-k'ai Moon and clouds are the same |
Wu Men Hui-k'ai Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn |
Yeats, William Butler The Dawn |
Yun-k'an Tzu by willow's shade |
Yun-k'an Tzu no tricks |
Yun, Hsu Feelings on Remembering the Day I first Produced the Mind |
Yun, Hsu Mirror Pond on Mount Taibo in Shanxi |