Ammons, A. R. Identity |
Berrigan, Daniel Credentials |
Berry, Wendell Enriching the Earth |
Buson This cold winter night |
Buson winter moon |
Colliver, Andrew When the World Comes Clear |
cummings, e. e. i am a little church(no great cathedral) |
Dogen, Eihei Worship |
Hawaiian (Anonymous) He kanaenae no Laka / A Prayer of Adulation to Laka |
Howe, Marie What the Living Do |
Issa, Kobayashi without seeing sunlight |
Issa, Kobayashi Buddha's body |
Khayyam, Omar [7] Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring |
Lee, Li-Young Praise Them |
Lu Tung Pin Sojourning in Ta-yu mountains |
Neruda, Pablo Poetry |
Oliver, Mary Can You Imagine? |
Oliver, Mary Starlings in Winter |
P'ang Yun (Layman P'ang) No-greed surpasses charity |
Pope, Alexander Solitude: An Ode |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Winter |
Rasakhan Winter Lotus |
Reninger, Elizabeth Vision |
Reninger, Elizabeth Wood Pile |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Be ahead of all parting, as if it had already happened |
Roethke, Theodore It Was Beginning Winter |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin look at love |
Tennyson, Alfred If thou would'st hear the Nameless (from The Ancient Sage) |
Theophan the Recluse Descend from your head into your heart |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Galadriel's Song of Eldamar |
Tolkien, J. R. R. I sit beside the fire and think |
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Song of Beren and LĂșthien |
Trungpa, Chogyam A flower is always happy |
Wordsworth, William By one pervading spirit (from The Power of Sound) |