Traditions :
Yoga / Hindu

Sub-Categories: Advaita / Non-Dualist
Shaivite (Shiva)
Shakta (Goddess-oriented)
Vaishnava (Krishna/Rama)


Poets in the Yoga / Hindu tradition
Books - Links



In the West, Yoga is often reduced to a simplified notion of stretching and physical exercise. In fact, Yoga is a rich and ancient tradition that encompases philosophy, meditation, devotionalism, and asceticism.

Yoga is sometimes thought of as the esoteric expression of Hinduism but, properly speaking, Yoga is not confined to Hinduism. In addition to Hindu Yoga, there is Buddhist Yoga, Jaina Yoga and, with the expansion of Yoga to the West, Yoga has become integrated into the lives of people following many other spritual and religious pathways.

Poets in the Yoga / Hindu Tradition

Abhishiktananda, Swami (Henri Le Saux) (1910 - 1973)
Adyashanti (1962 - )
  Akha (1600? - 1650?)
Allama Prabhu (12th Century)
Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar) (1921 - 1990)
Andal (9th Century)
Aurobindo (1872 - 1950)
Avaiyar (14th Century)
Basava (1134 - 1196)
  Mahendranath Battacharya (1843 - 1908)
  Beni (14th Century)
Rupa Bhawani (1621 - 1721)
  Candaka (290? - 365?)
Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929)
  Dadu Dayal (1544 - 1603)
Dariya Sahib of Bihar (1634 - 1780)
  Devara Dasimayya (10th Century)
Georg Feuerstein (1947 - )
Gorakhnath (10th Century)
  Haude Gosain (1795 - ?)
  Govindasvami (7th Century)
Nazrul Islam (1899 - 1976)
  Janabai (1298 - 1350?)
Jayadeva (12th Century)
Jnaneshwar (1275 - 1296)
Kabir (15th Century)
Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards) (1952 - )
Kalidasa (350? - 430?)
  Kamalakanta (1769? - 1821?)
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986)
  Lalan (1775? - 1891?)
Lalla (14th Century)
Akka Mahadevi (12th Century)
Ramana Maharshi (1879 - 1950)
  Manikkavacakar (9th Century)
Chris McCombs (1947 - )
Meher Baba (1894 - 1969)
Mirabai (1498 - 1565?)
Muktabai (13th Century)
Swami Muktananda (1908 - 1982)
Namdev (1270 - 1350)
Nammalvar (8th Century)
Nirmala (Contemporary)
Ellen Grace O'Brian (Contemporary)
  Colin Oliver (1946 - )
  Arthur Osborne (1909 - 1970)
  Pampattic Cittar (15th Century)
  Pattinattar (10th Century)
  Pipa (15th Century)
Ram Tzu (Wayne Liquorman) (1950 - )
Ramakrishna (1836 - 1886)
Ramananda (1400 - 1480)
  Ramprasad (Ramprasad Sen) (1718? - 1775?)
  Rasakhan (1534? - 1619?)
Ravidas (1398? - 1448?)
Shankara (788 - 820)
  Sivavakkiyar (9th Century)
Sri Chinmoy (Chinmoy Kumar Ghose) (1931 - 2007)
Janaka Stagnaro (1960 - )
Surdas (1478? - 1581?)
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941)
Thayumanavar (1706 - 1744)
Tiruvalluvar (7th Century)
Tukaram (1608 - 1649)
Tulsi Sahib (1763 - 1843)
Vidyapati (1340? - 1430)
Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)
Raj Waghray (Contemporary)
Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952)

Related Links:

  HinduNet: The Hindu Universe

Not particularly in-depth, but broadly touches on many aspects of Hindu life, worship, and spirituality.
  Traditional Yoga Studies

Traditional Yoga Studies is a comprehensive website dedicated to Yoga philosophy, history, and practice featuring the writings of Georg Feuerstein. It includes numerous articles, reviews, a Yoga Glossary, information on TYS’s two distance learning courses, second-hand books, and a newsletter.
  Sadhus, Holy Men of India

One of the best sites on sadhus, the ascetics of India. Lots of great photos and descriptions.
  Hindu Devotional Groups

A good introduction to beliefs and practices of the primary sects of Hinduism. A simple diagram also shows how the different sects interrelate. - Hindu Poets

An excellent site with many poems by various seers, saints, sages, and wise rascals. Worth some long leisurely visits!
  Hindu Poets - Poet Seers

Another excellent source for sacred poetry in the Hindu/Yogic traditions. Highly recommended!
  Vedanta Shastras Library

An excellent resource for sacred Hindu texts: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Vedic Hymns, articles. Lots to explore.

Yoga / Hindu