
by Elizabeth Reninger

Original Language English

at this time
when the light is not yet
useful, merely

when a bright
honey pours
nectar over a curved
horizon, into a nameless

chalice, and your vision
wakes also, as if
to meet it, touching

when for an endless
moment all
colors are

color a shimmering
fabric an infinite
wisdom this

of pure love, so suddenly

your own. . .

-- from And Now the Story Lives Inside You, by Elizabeth Reninger

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

I'm back. It has been a little while since we last had a poem by Elizabeth Reninger, and I thought this one just felt right.

Each time I read this poem, feeling for an image or idea to hook my attention and suggest something to write in commentary, I find myself transported, line-by-glowing line, through to the end. I'll sit silent today and reread this poem once more. My advice? Do the same.


I hope you had a special Easter-Equinox-Nawruz-Holi-Shivaratri-Purim.

And I want to send out a special blessing to the world reeling from the recent bombings in Brussels, Pakistan, Turkey, Nigeria, among too many others. May each of us, each in our own unique way, be a force for healing, integrity, and wisdom so craved by the world.

Recommended Books: Elizabeth Reninger

The Longing in Between: Sacred Poetry from Around the World (A Poetry Chaikhana Anthology) And Now the Story Lives Inside You
