How are You at once the source of fire
by Symeon the New TheologianEnglish version by George A. Maloney, S.J.
Original Language Greek
How are You at once the source of fire,
how also the fountain of dew?
How at once burning and sweetness,
how a remedy for all disease?
How do You make gods of us men,
how do You make darkness light?
How do You make one reascend from Hell,
how do You make us mortals imperishable?
How do You draw darkness to light,
how do You triumph over night?
How do You illumine the heart?
how do You transform me entirely?
How do You become one with men,
how do You make them sons of God?
-- from Hymns of Divine Love: Songs of praise by one of the great mystics of all church history, by Symeon the New Theologian / Channeled by Gearoge A. Maloney, S.J. |
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