Beannacht / Blessing |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said A pious one with a hundred beads on your rosary |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Love came |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Love came and emptied me of self |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Piousness and the path of love |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Rise early at dawn, when our storytelling begins |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Sorrow looted this heart |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said The day Love was illumined |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said When the desire for the Friend became real |
Adyashanti The Shape of Love |
Alighieri, Dante The love of God, unutterable and perfect |
Ammons, A. R. Identity |
Ammons, A. R. Still |
Anandamurti (Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan) On the path of the journey to effulgence, |
Andal The full moon day of Margazhi is here (from Tiruppavai) |
Angelou, Maya Million Man March Poem |
Angelou, Maya Savior |
Angelou, Maya The Detached |
Angelou, Maya Touched by an Angel |
Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah Empty Me of Everything But Your Love |
Aonghus of the Divinity O Christ, protect me! |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn As Night Let its Curtains Down in Folds |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn In the Mirror of a Man |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn My heart wears all forms |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn When my Beloved appears |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn While the sun's eye rules my sight |
Attar, Farid ud-Din About True Seekers |
Attar, Farid ud-Din If you don't arrive with a wounded heart |
Attar, Farid ud-Din Love must first drag you |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Dullard Sage |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Valley of the Quest |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Nightingale |
Attar, Farid ud-Din A dervish in ecstasy |
Attar, Farid ud-Din How long then will you seek for beauty here? |
Attar, Farid ud-Din Look -- I do nothing; He performs all deeds |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Lover |
Attar, Farid ud-Din Looking for your own face |
Attar, Farid ud-Din Mysticism |
Aulia, Hazrat Nizamuddin In Allah's garden you gather roses, |
Ayaz Faith knows You |
Bahu, Sultan I knew God well when love flashed before me |
Bahu, Sultan So what if love's idol is hidden? One's heart will never be far away |
Barker, Elsa He Who Knows Love |
Battacharya, Mahendranath Screening its face amongst lotus stalks |
ben Kallir, Eleazar Epithalamium |
Bernart de Ventadorn When I see the lark beating |
Berry, Wendell Horseback on Sunday morning |
Berry, Wendell Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front |
Berry, Wendell The Wild Geese |
Blake, William Auguries of Innocence |
Blake, William Awake! awake O sleeper of the land of shadows (from Jerusalem) |
Blake, William Eternity |
Blake, William The Divine Image |
Boethius Love is Lord of All |
Brabazon, Francis Dawn is a Friend |
Brabazon, Francis Our drop souls are of the ocean of Truth |
Brabazon, Francis The Dawn-Song Of His Mouth (from Stay With God) |
Brabazon, Francis The world is being run on time |
Bronte, Emily Last Lines |
Bronte, Emily The Visionary |
Broughton, James Come forth unabashed (from Shaman Psalm) |
Broughton, James Easter Exultet |
Broughton, James Having Come This Far |
Broughton, James The Gardener of Eden |
Bulleh Shah He Who is Stricken by Love |
Bulleh Shah I have been pierced by the arrow of love, what shall I do? |
Bulleh Shah Love Springs Eternal |
Bulleh Shah this love -- O Bulleh -- tormenting, unique |
Bulleh Shah What a carefree game He plays! |
Bulleh Shah Your love has made me dance all over |
Bulleh Shah Your passion stirs me |
Carpenter, Edward The Lake of Beauty |
Catherine of Siena Consumed in Grace |
Chinook (Anonymous) Teach us, and show us the Way |
Clare of Assisi Draw me after You! |
Clare of Assisi Happy, indeed, is she whom it is given to share this sacred banquet |
Clare of Assisi O blessed poverty |
Clare of Assisi Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! |
Clare of Assisi When You have loved, You shall be chaste |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor The Presence of Love |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor To Nature |
Crashaw, Richard The Flaming Heart or the Life of the Glorious S. Teresa |
Crashaw, Richard To the Name above every Name, the Name of Jesus |
cummings, e. e. i thank You God for most this amazing |
cummings, e. e. let it go -- the |
cummings, e. e. love is a place |
cummings, e. e. may my heart always be open to little |
Dadu Dayal So priceless is the birth, O brother |
Daniel, Arnaut Every day I improve and grow better |
Daniel, Arnaut The firm desire that enters |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar Who can describe the Source of the universe |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar Without love there can be no devotion and wisdom (from Love Chapter) |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar You have nothing to worry about |
Dickinson, Emily There came a Day at Summer's full |
Dickinson, Emily I see thee better -- in the Dark |
Dogen, Eihei One of fifteen verses on Dogen's mountain retreat: |
Efendi, Seyh Ibrahim The Sufi Way |
Eliot, T. S. I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you (from Four Quartets) |
Eliot, T. S. Not the intense moment (from The Four Quartets) |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo Brahma |
Emre, Yunus Go and let it be known to all lovers |
Emre, Yunus I am before, I am after |
Emre, Yunus I haven't come here to settle down |
Emre, Yunus Let's Take Yunus Emre |
Emre, Yunus One Who Is Real Is Humble |
Emre, Yunus That by which our hearts are held |
Emre, Yunus The lover is outcast and idle |
Emre, Yunus The mature ones are a sea |
Emre, Yunus True speech is the fruit of not speaking |
Farid, Baba Sheikh Raga Asa |
Farid, Baba Sheikh The lanes are muddy and far is the house |
Fox, John Blown Home |
Fox, John Elbows |
Fox, John Let |
Francis of Assisi Let us desire nothing else |
Francis of Assisi Prayer from 'A Letter to the Entire Order' |
Francis of Assisi Prayer Inspired by the Our Father |
Francis of Assisi The Canticle of Brother Sun |
Galib, Seyh If I say that the skies have opened |
Galib, Seyh Love is a lamp of God, I am its moth |
Ganjavi, Mahsati A world there is for those in love with mines of precious stones |
Gibran, Kahlil Reason and Passion |
Gibran, Kahlil The Vast Man |
Govindasvami Holy sixth day |
Granger, Ivan M. Bent |
Granger, Ivan M. in love with the new sun |
Granger, Ivan M. When the Spring Thaw Comes |
Hadewijch Dew (from Love's Seven Names) |
Hadewijch God must give us a renewed mind (from Vale Millies) |
Hadewijch How she first made me beautiful promises (from Defense of Love) |
Hadewijch Love Has Seven Names |
Hadewijch Love has subjugated me |
Hadewijch Love's constancy |
Hadewijch The madness of love |
Hadewijch What I sang so often of Love (from Defense of Love) |
Hafiz A New World |
Hafiz Beauty Radiated in Eternity |
Hafiz Hair disheveled, smiling lips, sweating and tipsy |
Hafiz I feel this yen |
Hafiz It Is Time to Wake Up! |
Hafiz O Saghi, pass around that cup of wine, then bring it to me |
Hafiz The Pearl on the Ocean Floor |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Geronimo |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) How Could a Lover Fall? |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) I Have Learned So Much |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Love is the Funeral Pyre |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) That Lamp That Needs No Oil |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) That Magnificent Storm |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) The Thousand-Stringed Instrument |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) What the Hell |
Hallaj, Mansur al- I am the One whom I love |
Hallaj, Mansur al- Kill me, my faithful friends |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Looking for Each Other |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Walking Meditation |
Hawaiian (Anonymous) He kanaenae no Laka / A Prayer of Adulation to Laka |
Hayati, Bibi Before there was a hint of civilization |
Hekhalot Hymns (Anonymous) The Face of God |
Herbert, George Church Monuments |
Herbert, George Love |
Herbert, George Prayer (I) |
Herbert, George The Pearl. Matthew 13 |
Hildegard von Bingen O Euchari in leta via / Sequence for Saint Eucharius |
Himmet, Kul No Ordinary Goods |
Hirshfield, Jane Ripeness |
Hirshfield, Jane The Lives of the Heart |
Holderlin, Friedrich Remembrance |
Holmes, Dick You Have Me |
Howe, Marie What the Living Do |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [31] Holding truth and rejecting delusion (from The Shodoka) |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar In memory of the beloved (from The Wine Ode (al-Khamriyah)) |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon Rise and open the door that is shut |
Ikkyu (Sojun, Ikkyu) Every day, priests minutely examine the Law |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Bright are Thy tresses, brighten them even more (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad O Cup-bearer! Give me again that wine of love for Thee (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Selfhood can demolish the magic of this world (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad To the Saqi (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Every word of every tongue is |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin I want Union with Him |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin In those days |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Love plays its lute behind the screen |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Love the phoenix cannot be trapped |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin O saki, fill a cup |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin We Yield Our Hearts |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Whether they know Thee or not |
Isaac of Stella Love |
Islam, Nazrul Come silently like the Moon |
Islam, Nazrul He who has seen my Mother |
Islam, Nazrul Let's Meet Hereafter! |
Islam, Nazrul mother, i may have been a naughty child |
Izzet, Asik Ali The Path of the Beautiful |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) As air carries light poured out by the rising sun |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) How the Soul Through the Senses Finds God in All Creatures |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) In losing all, the soul has risen (from Self-Annihilation and Charity Lead the Soul...) |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) Love beyond all telling (from Self-Annihilation and Charity Lead the Soul...) |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) When you no longer love yourself (from Self-Annihilation and Charity Lead the Soul...) |
Jami, Ahmad Even from earthly love thy face avert not |
Jami, Ahmad Your Beauty |
Jayadeva My heart values his vulgar ways (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva Raga Gujri |
Jayadeva When he quickens all things (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva When spring came, tender-limbed Radha wandered (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jnaneshwar The Union of Shiva and Shakti (from Amritanubhav) |
John of the Cross Dark Night |
John of the Cross Full of Hope I Climbed the Day |
John of the Cross On the Communion of the Three Persons (from Romance on the Gospel) |
John of the Cross The Sum of Perfection |
John of the Cross Without a Place and With a Place |
Kabir Hang up the swing of love today! |
Kabir The bhakti path winds in a delicate way |
Kabir The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright |
Kabir The Lord is in Me |
Kabir The moon shines in my body |
Kabir The Time Before Death |
Kabir When the Day Came |
Kabir Within this earthen vessel |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) Choose Love |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) In the pre-dawn hours |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) The Mind Like a Firefly |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) The Way To Peace |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) What mind can possibly approach you |
Kamalakanta Mother |
Kerouac, Jack Bowery Blues |
Kerouac, Jack The Scripture of the Golden Eternity |
Khayyam, Omar [35] I think the Vessel, that with fugitive |
Khayyam, Omar [62] Another said -- "Why, ne'er a peevish Boy |
Khusrow Dehlawi, Amir Just a Glance |
Khusrow Dehlawi, Amir The River of Love |
Kirmani, Awhad al-Din Swept Away |
Ko Un Indangsu sea, shine dark blue |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Ah, Come Sit Beside Me |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Song of the Beloved (from The Immortal Friend) |
Kuzminsky, Irina A Sequence of Embraces |
Lalla At the end of a crazy-moon night |
Lalla I made pilgrimages, looking for God |
Lalla Intense cold makes water ice |
Lalla One shrine to the next, the hermit can't stop for breath |
Latif Bhitai, Shah Abdul If you are seeking Allah |
Lawrence, D. H. Deeper Than Love |
Lee, Li-Young From Blossoms |
Lee, Li-Young 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗸 |
Leon, Luis de Ode to Francisco Salinas |
Leon, Luis de The Life Removed |
Levertov, Denise Beginners |
Levertov, Denise The Secret |
Levine, Stephen Half life |
Li Bai If High Heaven had no love for wine |
Li Bai The Cold Clear Spring at Nanyang |
Llull, Ramon January (from The Book of the Lover and Beloved) |
Machado, Antonio Songs |
Macy, Joanna Ecosattva Vows |
Maghribi, Muhammad Shirin The Moon of Your Love |
Maghsoud, Moulana Shah The light of the beloved rises from the horizon of my heart |
Mahadevi, Akka He bartered my heart |
Mahadevi, Akka Like a silkworm weaving |
Maharshi, Ramana The Marital Garland of Letters |
Maier, Michael Three Golden Apples from the Hesperian grove (from Atalanta Fugiens) |
Malloy, Merrit Epitaph |
Manikkavacakar While unperishing love melted my bones |
McCombs, Chris Divine Lovers |
McCombs, Chris Finish Me Off |
McCombs, Chris Go Deeper |
McCombs, Chris Is This Your Time? |
McCombs, Chris Swan Born |
McCombs, Chris The Friend Is Always There |
Mechthild of Magdeburg Effortlessly |
Mechthild of Magdeburg Of the voices of the Godhead |
Mechthild of Magdeburg The devil also offers his spirit |
Mechthild of Magdeburg Then shall I leap into love |
Meher Baba How Wonderful is the murderous mercy of God! |
Meher Baba Oh Beloved Master |
Meher Baba Purification |
Meher Baba The Beloved's Face |
Mei, Yuan Climbing the Mountain |
Merton, Thomas O Sweet Irrational Worship |
Milosz, Czeslaw Love |
Milosz, Czeslaw On Pilgrimage |
Mirabai Dark Friend, what can I say? |
Mirabai Friend, without that Dark raptor |
Mirabai I am true to my Lord |
Mirabai No one knows my invisible life |
Mirabai O my friends |
Mirabai The Beloved Comes Home |
Mirabai The Five-Coloured Garment |
Mirabai Unbreakable, O Lord |
Mirabai Why Mira Can't Come Back to Her Old House |
Misri, Dhun-Nun al- That Taste |
Misri, Dhun-Nun al- The haunt of the hearts of the gnostics |
Misri, Niyazi Now No Trace Remains |
Mueller, Lisel Love Like Salt |
Mueller, Lisel What is Left to Say |
Muktananda, Swami Mukteshwari |
Nachmanides (Nachman, Moses ben) Prayers for the Protection and Opening of the Heart |
Namdev The thundering resonance of the Word |
Nasimi, Imadeddin At love's most sumptuous feast was I with love made drunk |
Nasimi, Imadeddin I take the Merciful One's shape, the Merciful I am |
Nawaz, Gharib Riddle |
Nawaz, Gharib The Second Jesus |
Nematollah Vali, Shah I beheld my essence |
Nematollah Vali, Shah Take one step beyond yourself |
Nematollah Vali, Shah The Sea Is Our Essence |
Neruda, Pablo Gautama Christ |
Neruda, Pablo I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz |
Nirmala A lasting marriage |
Nirmala why fear this moment |
Novalis Over I journey |
Novalis Uplifted is the stone |
Nurbakhsh, Javad Come! |
Nurbakhsh, Javad Desiring You |
Nurbakhsh, Javad The Beloved |
Nurbakhsh, Javad The Pain of Love |
Oliver, Colin Love |
Oliver, Mary In Blackwater Woods |
Oliver, Mary Spring |
Oliver, Mary Thirst |
Oliver, Mary Wild Geese |
Osborne, Arthur Arunachala |
Patrul Rinpoche Use the time of your life |
Porete, Marguerite Beguines say I err... |
Porete, Marguerite Beloved, what do you want of me? |
Porete, Marguerite How Love names the Soul by twelve names |
Porete, Marguerite How Truth Praises Such Souls |
Porete, Marguerite O Lover of gentle nature |
Porete, Marguerite Peace of charity in the annihilated life |
Porete, Marguerite Thought is no longer of worth to me |
Porete, Marguerite You who would read this book |
Rabia al-Basri (Adawiyya, Rabia al-) Brothers, my peace is in my aloneness |
Rabia al-Basri (Adawiyya, Rabia al-) My joy |
Rabia al-Basri (Adawiyya, Rabia al-) O my Lord, the stars glitter |
Ramakrishna Is there anyone in the universe |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Its value beyond assessment by the mind |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Love Her, Mind |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Who is that Syama woman |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Why disappear into formless trance? |
Ramsay, Jay After Rumi |
Ramsay, Jay In the Aber Valley |
Ramsay, Jay In the End: The Beginning |
Ramsay, Jay Infinity and Beyond |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Always Coming Home |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Fana, Baqa |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Fierce Rapture |
Raphael Reed, Sabah I and I |
Raphael Reed, Sabah She Comes |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Toward the One |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Winter |
Ravidas If You are a mountain |
Reninger, Elizabeth Basin |
Reninger, Elizabeth Deluge |
Reninger, Elizabeth True Love |
Reninger, Elizabeth Vision |
Reninger, Elizabeth Wood Pile |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Duration of Childhood |
Rilke, Rainer Maria For your sake poets sequester themselves |
Rilke, Rainer Maria The Man Watching |
Rilke, Rainer Maria The Second Elegy (from The Duino Elegies) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel the grace showered on me |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin By the God who was in pre-eternity living and moving and omnipotent, everlasting |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin come |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin I'm neither beautiful nor ugly |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Like This |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin look at love |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Love is Here |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin No end to the journey |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Now comes the final merging |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin On Love |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Sacrifice your intellect in love for the Friend |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Seizing my life in your hands, you thrashed me clean |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin That moon which the sky never saw |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The glow of the light of daybreak is in your emerald vault, the goblet of the blood of twilight is your blood-measuring bowl |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The minute I heard my first love story |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The Sun Must Come |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin There is some kiss we want |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin This love sacrifices all souls, however wise, however "awakened" |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin This moment |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Today, like every other day, we wake up empty |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin What I want is to see your face |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Whoever finds love |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin You have fallen in love my dear heart |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin A World with No Boundaries (Ghazal 363) |
Sa'di If one His praise of me would learn |
Sa'di In Love |
Sanai, Hakim Love's conqueror is he |
Sanai, Hakim Mystic Chat |
Sanai, Hakim Streaming |
Sanai, Hakim Then through that dim murkiness |
Saraha The Royal Song of Saraha (Dohakosa) |
Sarmad Companion |
Sarmad To the dignified station of love I was raised |
Sarmast, Sachal Neither did I roll rosary, nor did I ponder and pray |
Sarmast, Sachal 'Tis not in religion I believe |
Sarton, May Now I Become Myself |
Saure, Gunter brilliant moons |
Saure, Gunter Forever Now |
Shabistari, Mahmud Sun-Reflections (from The Secret Rose Garden) |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Beloved Guest |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Tavern Haunters |
Shore, Laura Jan Again |
Shushtari, Abu al-Hasan al- My art |
Shushtari, Abu al-Hasan al- You are ultimate joy |
silent lotus Hurdles |
silent lotus In the Clearing |
Silesius, Angelus God, whose love and joy are present everywhere |
Singh, Darshan How did I ever think silence the language of love? |
Singh, Darshan In what state was I |
Solovyov, Vladimir Three Meetings |
Stafford, William Starting with Little Things |
Stein, Edith I Will Remain With You... |
Stein, Edith Novena Of The Holy Spirit |
Surdas Krishna Awakes |
Symeon the New Theologian How is it I can love You |
Symeon the New Theologian We awaken in Christ's body |
Szymborska, Wislawa I'm Working on the World |
T'ao Ch'ien In youth I could not do what everyone else did |
Tagore, Rabindranath I touch God in my song |
Tagore, Rabindranath (38) I want thee, only thee (from Gitanjali) |
Teasdale, Sara I Am Not Yours |
Teasdale, Sara Oh You Are Coming |
Teasdale, Sara Two Songs for Solitude |
Teresa of Avila I Live Without Living In Me |
Teresa of Avila In the Hands of God |
Teresa of Avila My Beloved One is Mine |
Teresa of Avila Oh Exceeding Beauty |
Teresa of Avila On Those Words "I am for My Beloved" |
Thayumanavar Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate |
Thayumanavar To have reached the state of impassivity that holds (from Bliss that is Perfect Full) |
Therese of Lisieux The Atom of Jesus-Host |
Therese of Lisieux My Song for Today |
Therese of Lisieux The Divine Dew |
Thompson, Francis The Hound of Heaven |
Tilopa Song of the Mahamudra (Tilopa's Song to Naropa) |
Tiruvalluvar Love |
Traherne, Thomas Love |
Traherne, Thomas My Spirit |
Trungpa, Chogyam Expose |
Tukaram Can water drink itself? |
Tukaram Thou art more kind than mother dear |
Tulsi Sahib The Rainy Season |
Underhill, Evelyn Corpus Christi |
Underhill, Evelyn Dynamic Love |
Vidyapati All my inhibition left me in a flash |
Vidyapati My friend, I cannot answer when you ask me to explain |
Vidyapati The moon has shone upon me |
Waghray, Raj Love Dawns |
Waghray, Raj The One in White |
Walcott, Derek Love After Love |
Walters, Dorothy Nomads |
Walters, Dorothy Ruined by Your Beauty |
Walters, Dorothy Taken |
Wei, Wang My Cottage at Deep South Mountain |
Whitman, Walt Pioneers! O Pioneers! |
Whitman, Walt [2] Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, the shelves are crowded with perfumes (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [7] Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? (from Song of Myself) |
Wordsworth, William For I have learned (from Tintern Abbey) |
Yeats, William Butler Crazy Jane and God |
Yeats, William Butler The Secret Rose |
Yogananda, Paramahansa Prayer for the Great Enlightenment |