A Morning Offering |
Beannacht / Blessing |
For Freedom |
In Praise of the Earth |
Abhishiktananda, Swami (Le Saux, Henri) Arunachala is a symbol |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Mansoor, that whale of the Oceans of Love |
Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham Circles 1 (from Life of the Future World) |
Adyashanti Rest and Be Taken |
AE (Russell, George William) Divine Visitation |
AE (Russell, George William) Unity |
Akhmatova, Anna I've learned to live simply, wisely |
Akhmatova, Anna A land not mine, still |
Alighieri, Dante All Being within this order, by the laws (from The Paradiso, Canto I) |
Allama Prabhu If it rains fire |
Ammons, A. R. Eyesight |
Ammons, A. R. Hymn |
Ammons, A. R. Rogue Elephant |
Anandamurti (Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan) On the path of the journey to effulgence, |
Angelou, Maya Alone |
Angelou, Maya On the Pulse of Morning |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn In Memory of Those Who Melt the Soul Forever |
Attar, Farid ud-Din About True Seekers |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Dullard Sage |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The ocean of inner meaning is too vast |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The peacock's excuse |
Attar, Farid ud-Din All who, reflecting as reflected see |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The angels have bowed down to you and drowned |
Aurobindo Reminiscence |
Aurobindo The Word of The Silence |
Ayaz In every moment I am free |
Badakhshani, Binavi I became water |
Barker, Elsa The Mystic Rose |
Basava The waters of joy |
Basava Where they feed the fire |
Basho, Matsuo A banana plant in the autumn gale |
Basho, Matsuo awakened |
Basho, Matsuo Old pond |
Battacharya, Mahendranath Oh Ma Kali, for a long time now |
Bedil, Abdul-Qader His Living Proof |
Beni Raga Ramkali |
Berrigan, Daniel Prayer on the Six P.M. Subway |
Berry, Wendell Sabbaths 1998, VI |
Berry, Wendell The Real Work |
Bitkoff, Stewart Desert Tears |
Bitkoff, Stewart The Religions |
Blake, William Awake! awake O sleeper of the land of shadows (from Jerusalem) |
Blake, William Hear the voice of the Bard! |
Boethius Invocation |
Boethius Love is Lord of All |
Booth, Philip First Lesson |
Brabazon, Francis Dawn is a Friend |
Brabazon, Francis Once God, that Great Being (from Stay With God) |
Brabazon, Francis Our drop souls are of the ocean of Truth |
Bradstreet, Anne There is a path no vulture's eye hath seen (from The Vanity of All Worldly Things) |
Broughton, James Easter Exultet |
Buson Miles of frost |
Buson Short nap |
Buson spring rain |
Carpenter, Edward The Lake of Beauty |
Carpenter, Edward The sun shines, as of old |
Carpenter, Edward The sun, the moon and the stars |
Catherine of Siena We were enclosed (from Prayer 20) |
Ching-Yuen, Loy To know Tao |
Chinook (Anonymous) Teach us, and show us the Way |
Chiyo-ni, Fukuda cool clear water |
Chiyo-ni, Fukuda hands drop |
Chiyo-ni, Fukuda on the road |
Chiyo-ni, Fukuda spring rain |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor There is one Mind, one omnipresent Mind (from Religious Musings) |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Kubla Khan |
Colliver, Andrew Nocturne |
cummings, e. e. i am a little church(no great cathedral) |
Dadu Dayal So priceless is the birth, O brother |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar Without love there can be no devotion and wisdom (from Love Chapter) |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar You have nothing to worry about |
Dasimayya, Devara Who is it that echoes |
Dickinson, Emily I taste a liquor never brewed |
Dogen, Eihei Ching-ch'ing's raindrop sound |
Dogen, Eihei One of fifteen verses on Dogen's mountain retreat: |
Dogen, Eihei One of six verses composed in An'yoin Temple in Fukakusa, 1230: |
Efendi, Seyh Ibrahim The Sufi Way |
Eliot, T. S. Burnt Norton - excerpt 2 (from The Four Quartets) |
Eliot, T. S. Not the intense moment (from The Four Quartets) |
Emre, Yunus Go and let it be known to all lovers |
Emre, Yunus The drink sent down from Truth |
Emre, Yunus True speech is the fruit of not speaking |
Farid, Baba Sheikh Fathom the ocean |
Farid, Baba Sheikh Fathom the ocean |
Farid, Baba Sheikh Like a deep sea |
Farid, Baba Sheikh On the bank of a pool in the moor |
Farid, Baba Sheikh You must fathom the ocean |
Feng-kan (Big Stick) Sinking like a rock in the sea |
Fox, John Blown Home |
Fox, John Elbows |
Fox, John Home Equity |
Fox, John Let |
Fox, John Simple Living |
Galib, Seyh If I say that the skies have opened |
Galib, Seyh Were I your treasure, you would squander me |
Gascoigne, Dame Catherine One thing alone I crave / Unum sit mihi totum |
Ghalib, Mirza The drop dies in the river |
Ghalib, Mirza The Rose with its redolent petals |
Gibran, Kahlil Giving |
Gibran, Kahlil Good and Evil |
Gibran, Kahlil Self-Knowledge |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von In a Thousand Forms |
Gosain, Haude On the other shore |
Granger, Ivan M. Parched |
Granger, Ivan M. To goslings |
Granger, Ivan M. Fidelity |
Granger, Ivan M. Twelve Ways to Lose Your Head on Maui |
Granger, Ivan M. Rain Upcountry |
Granger, Ivan M. When the Spring Thaw Comes |
Granum Sinapis (Anonymous) Granum Sinapis |
ha Nagid, Samuel Gazing Through the Night |
ha Nagid, Samuel On Fleeing His City |
Hadewijch Dew (from Love's Seven Names) |
Hadewijch Love Has Seven Names |
Hafiz A New World |
Hafiz Spring and all its flowers |
Hafiz The Garden |
Hafiz The Pearl on the Ocean Floor |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Geronimo |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) That Lamp That Needs No Oil |
Hakuin Hakuin's Song of Zazen |
Han-Ch'ing, Kuan this autumn scene's worth words paint |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Beyond Silence |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Clambering up the Cold Mountain path |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) Down to the stream to watch the jade flow |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) My heart is like the autumn moon |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Contemplation |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Full Moon Festival |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Looking for Each Other |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Please Call Me by My True Names |
Hao-jan, Meng A Night on the River |
Hao-jan, Meng Climbing Long-View Mountain's Highest Peak |
Hatun, Zeynep I am a fountain, You are my water |
Herbert, George The Flower |
Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Intimate Hymn |
Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua The Word Most Precious |
Hildegard von Bingen Ave generosa / Hymn to the Virgin |
Hildegard von Bingen Columba aspexit / Sequence for Saint Maximin |
Hildegard von Bingen Holy Spirit of Fire |
Hildegard von Bingen O ignee Spiritus / Hymn to the Holy Spirit |
Hirshfield, Jane Green-Striped Melons |
Hirshfield, Jane Rebus |
Holderlin, Friedrich Remembrance |
Holderlin, Friedrich Hyperion's Song of Destiny |
Holmes, Dick Afternoon in April |
Holmes, Dick You Have Me |
Howe, Marie What the Living Do |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku In my early years, I set out to acquire learning (from The Song of Enlightenment) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku Roll the Dharma thunder (from The Song of Enlightenment) |
Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia / Yoka Genkaku [52] From my youth I piled studies upon studies (from The Shodoka) |
Hung-chih Cheng-chueh Silently and serenely one forgets all words |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar Compared to my dawn (from The Poem of the Sufi Way) |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon You are wise (from From Kingdom's Crown) |
Ikkyu (Sojun, Ikkyu) A Fisherman |
Ikkyu (Sojun, Ikkyu) a well nobody dug filled with no water |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Bright are Thy tresses, brighten them even more (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Selfhood can demolish the magic of this world (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad To the Saqi (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin As sunlight is attributed to the moon, so is the Beloved's form ascribed to the lover; but in truth |
Isaac of Stella Love |
Islam, Nazrul Let's Meet Hereafter! |
Issa, Kobayashi now begins |
Issa, Kobayashi spring begins |
Issa, Kobayashi stillness |
Issa, Kobayashi blown to the big river |
Issa, Kobayashi spring day |
Issa, Kobayashi Buddha's body |
Jacobsen, Rolf Moon and Apple |
Jakushitsu Gathering Tea |
Jakushitsu Rain in Autumn |
Jami, Ahmad Your Beauty |
Jan, Chiao Inscribed on the Wall of the Hut by the Lake |
Janabai You leave your greatness behind you |
Janabai You must accept those who surrender to you |
Jayadeva Raga Maru |
Jayadeva When he quickens all things (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva When spring came, tender-limbed Radha wandered (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva You rest on the circle of Sri's breast (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jeffers, Robinson Carmel Point |
Jimenez, Juan Ramon Full Consciousness |
Jimenez, Juan Ramon Oceans |
Jnaneshwar Knowledge and Ignorance (from Amritanubhav) |
Jnaneshwar The Union of Shiva and Shakti (from Amritanubhav) |
John of the Cross I Live Yet Do Not Live in Me |
John of the Cross Song of the Soul That Delights in Knowing God by Faith |
John of the Cross The Fountain |
Kabir Hang up the swing of love today! |
Kabir I burst into laughter |
Kabir I have attained the Eternal Bliss |
Kabir Tell me, O Swan, your ancient tale |
Kabir The Drop and the Sea |
Kabir The Guest is inside you, and also inside me |
Kabir The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright |
Kabir The Lord is in Me |
Kabir When I found the boundless knowledge |
Kabir Within this earthen vessel |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) In the cloud raindrops swirl |
Kamalakanta Mother |
Kamalakanta The black bee of my mind is drawn in sheer delight |
Kerouac, Jack The Scripture of the Golden Eternity |
Kerouac, Jack The taste |
Khayyam, Omar [5] Iram indeed is gone with all its Rose |
Khayyam, Omar [7] Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring |
Khayyam, Omar [28] With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow |
Khayyam, Omar [29] Into this Universe, and Why not knowing |
Khayyam, Omar [48] While the Rose blows along the River Brink |
Khayyam, Omar [72] Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! |
Khusrow Dehlawi, Amir The River of Love |
Ko Un In a Temple's Main Hall |
Ko Un Indangsu sea, shine dark blue |
Ko Un Sunlight |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Ah, Come Sit Beside Me |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu I Am All |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu I have been a wanderer long (from The Search) |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu I have no name (from The Song of Life) |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Song of the Beloved (from The Immortal Friend) |
Kuzminsky, Irina A Sequence of Embraces |
Lalan As the man and the woman in me |
Lalla At the end of a crazy-moon night |
Lalla I, Lalla, willingly entered through the garden-gate |
Lalla If you've melted your desires |
Lalla Intense cold makes water ice |
Lalla New mind, new moon |
Lalla The soul, like the moon |
Lawrence, D. H. God is Born |
Leon, Luis de Ode to Francisco Salinas |
Leon, Luis de The Life Removed |
Levertov, Denise Beginners |
Levertov, Denise Of Being |
Levertov, Denise Scraps of moon |
Levertov, Denise The Depths |
Levertov, Denise The Fountain |
Li Bai Along the Stream |
Li Bai Autumn River Song |
Li Bai Clearing at Dawn |
Li Bai Parting |
Li Bai The Cold Clear Spring at Nanyang |
Li Bai Visit to the Cold Clear Spring |
Li Bai Visiting a Taoist on Taitien Mountain |
Li Bai You ask why I make my home in the mountain forest |
Llull, Ramon January (from The Book of the Lover and Beloved) |
Lu Tung Pin My heart is the clear water in the stony pond |
Lu Tung Pin Sojourning in Ta-yu mountains |
Lu Tung Pin The Hundred Character Tablet (Bai Zi Bei) |
Luria, Isaac A Poem for the Small Face |
Machado, Antonio Autumn Daybreak |
Machado, Antonio I dreamt you took me |
Machado, Antonio Last night, as I was sleeping |
Machado, Antonio Last night, as I was sleeping [Bly] |
Machado, Antonio Lord, You Tore from Me |
Machado, Antonio Proverbs and Songs |
Machado, Antonio Songs |
Machado, Antonio The Waterwheel |
Mahadevi, Akka It was like a stream |
Maharshi, Ramana The Marital Garland of Letters |
Maharshi, Ramana The Necklet of Nine Gems |
Masahide Masahide's Death Poem |
McCombs, Chris Divine Lovers |
McCombs, Chris Is This Your Time? |
McCombs, Chris Roos O Shab |
Meher Baba Oh Beloved Master |
Meher Baba The Beloved's Poem on His Dhuni |
Mei, Yuan Gone Again to Gaze on the Cascade |
Mei, Yuan Just Done |
Mei, Yuan Mad Words |
Merton, Thomas A Messenger from the Horizon |
Merton, Thomas A Practical Program for Monks |
Merton, Thomas Aubade -- The City |
Merton, Thomas Night-Flowering Cactus |
Merton, Thomas O Sweet Irrational Worship |
Merton, Thomas Stranger |
Merton, Thomas The Sowing of Meanings |
Merton, Thomas When in the soul of the serene disciple |
Merwin, W. S. Finding a Teacher |
Merwin, W. S. Thanks |
Milarepa Song to the Rock Demoness |
Milarepa The Profound Definitive Meaning |
Milarepa Upon this earth, the land of the Victorious Ones |
Milosz, Czeslaw Forget |
Milosz, Czeslaw Gift |
Milosz, Czeslaw On Pilgrimage |
Mirabai Clouds |
Mirabai I have heard that today Hari will come |
Mirabai The Dagger |
Mirabai The Five-Coloured Garment |
Nachmanides (Nachman, Moses ben) From the beginning, before the world ever was (from Before the World Ever Was) |
Nachmanides (Nachman, Moses ben) Prayers for the Protection and Opening of the Heart |
Nachmanides (Nachman, Moses ben) The Soul Speaks (from Hymn on the Fate of the Soul) |
Namdev He is the One in many |
Namdev Laughing and playing, I came to Your Temple, O Lord |
Namdev The drum with no drumhead beats |
Nanak, Guru [Siri ragu 9.3] The guru is the stepping stone |
Naropa Advice to Marpa Lotsawa |
Naropa The Summary of Mahamudra |
Nasimi, Imadeddin Both worlds within my compass come, but this world cannot compass me |
Nasimi, Imadeddin I take the Merciful One's shape, the Merciful I am |
Nematollah Vali, Shah I beheld my essence |
Nematollah Vali, Shah Take one step beyond yourself |
Nematollah Vali, Shah The Sea Is Our Essence |
Neruda, Pablo Gautama Christ |
Neruda, Pablo Keeping Quiet |
Neruda, Pablo Past |
Neruda, Pablo The Poet's Obligation |
Neruda, Pablo Too Many Names |
Novalis Over I journey |
Novalis Uplifted is the stone |
Nurbakhsh, Javad The Image of Existence |
Oliver, Colin Become Nothing |
Oliver, Colin Cold Mountain |
Oliver, Colin Endpoem |
Oliver, Mary Bone |
Oliver, Mary Five A.M. in the Pinewoods |
Oliver, Mary Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches? |
Oliver, Mary In Blackwater Woods |
Oliver, Mary Morning Poem |
Oliver, Mary One |
Oliver, Mary Spring |
Oliver, Mary Starlings in Winter |
Oliver, Mary The Buddha's Last Instruction |
Oliver, Mary The Gift |
Oliver, Mary The Ponds |
Oliver, Mary Thirst |
Oliver, Mary This World |
Oliver, Mary Wild Geese |
Oliver, Mary Yes! No! |
P'ang Yun (Layman P'ang) My daily activity is not unusual |
Pampattic Cittar Like the drops of water that will not adhere to the leaf of the lotus |
Pampattic Cittar One must delve deep |
Patrul Rinpoche Advice from Me to Myself |
Pattinattar The eightfold Yoga |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary A Wave of the Sea |
Porete, Marguerite How Truth Praises Such Souls |
Rabia al-Basri (Adawiyya, Rabia al-) I carry a torch in one hand |
Rabjampa, Longchen An Adamantine Song on the Ever-Present |
Ram Tzu (Liquorman, Wayne) You think of the Path |
Ramakrishna Is there anyone in the universe |
Ramananda Raga Basant |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Conquer Death with the drumbeat Ma! Ma! Ma! |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) In the world's busy market-place, O Shyama |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Kulakundalini, Goddess Full of Brahman, Tara |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Love Her, Mind |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Of what use is my going to Kasi any more? |
Ramsay, Jay After Rumi |
Ramsay, Jay Beginning |
Ramsay, Jay In the Aber Valley |
Ramsay, Jay In the End: The Beginning |
Ramsay, Jay Infinity and Beyond |
Ramsay, Jay St. Ives |
Ramsay, Jay Traveller: stop a moment (from Anamnesis) |
Raphael Reed, Sabah She Comes |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Toward the One |
Rasakhan Effortless Worship |
Ravidas When I existed |
Ravidas You are me, and I am You |
Reninger, Elizabeth Bird Bath |
Reninger, Elizabeth Deluge |
Rilke, Rainer Maria For your sake poets sequester themselves |
Rilke, Rainer Maria I am praying again, Awesome One |
Rilke, Rainer Maria I believe in all that has never yet been spoken |
Rilke, Rainer Maria O Lacrimosa |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Silent friend of many distances, feel |
Rilke, Rainer Maria The Second Elegy (from The Duino Elegies) |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Want the change |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Anticipating the Passion (from The Life of the Virgin Mary) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel always together |
Rosenstock, Gabriel Duloch |
Rosenstock, Gabriel not the slaked thirst of Bayazid |
Rosenstock, Gabriel self-encounter |
Rosenstock, Gabriel Spring With a Thousand Clichés |
Rosenstock, Gabriel The Sasquatch Looks at Himself (from The Last Sasquatch) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel The Smoothness of Stones / Míne na gCloch (from The Last Sasquatch) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel The song of the river |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (8) Barefoot (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (11) Your nakedness (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (13) Spring Showers (from Year of the Goddess) |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Ah, what was there in that light-giving candle that it set fire to the heart, and snatched the heart away? |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin come |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin I drink streamwater and the air |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin If continually you keep your hope |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin look at love |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Now comes the final merging |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Only Breath |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Seizing my life in your hands, you thrashed me clean |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Suddenly, in the sky at dawn, a moon appeared |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin That moon which the sky never saw |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The beauty of the heart |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The glow of the light of daybreak is in your emerald vault, the goblet of the blood of twilight is your blood-measuring bowl |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The real work belongs to someone who desires God |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The Sun Must Come |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The Thirsty |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin This love sacrifices all souls, however wise, however "awakened" |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin We are the mirror as well as the face in it |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin What I want is to see your face |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin You have fallen in love my dear heart |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin A World with No Boundaries (Ghazal 363) |
Ryokan First days of spring -- the sky |
Ryokan I sat facing you for hours but you didn't speak |
Ryokan Reply to a Friend |
Ryokan The Autumn Moon |
Ryokan Thinking |
Ryuzan Clear in the blue, the moon! |
Sa'di How could I ever thank my Friend? |
Sa'di Have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomfited |
San'at, Mohammad 'Aref The Lamp of Your Face |
Sanai, Hakim Mystic Chat |
Sanai, Hakim Naked in the Bee-House |
Sanai, Hakim Streaming |
Sanai, Hakim The Wild Rose of Praise |
Sanai, Hakim Then through that dim murkiness |
Sanai, Hakim Until you are complete |
Saraha The Royal Song of Saraha (Dohakosa) |
Sarmad The ocean of his generosity has no shore |
Saure, Gunter In Time |
Saure, Gunter The Meeting |
Schneider, Pat Instructions for the Journey |
Shabistari, Mahmud A Drop of Seawater |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Mirror (from The Secret Rose Garden) |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Tavern Haunters |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Wine of Rapture (from The Secret Rose Garden) |
Shabkar (Rangdrol, Shabkar Tsogdruk) A Song by a Yogi in Solitude |
Shankara In Praise of the Goddess |
Shankara The Shattering of Illusion (Moha Mudgaram from The Crest Jewel of Discrimination) |
Shankara You are my true self, O Lord |
Shih Shu against the gently flowing spring morning |
Shih Shu as flowing waters disappear into the mist |
Shih Shu mountain sounds carry a chill wisdom |
Shih Shu "nothing to do; nothing to lose" |
Shih-te (Pickup) I live in a place without limits |
Shikibu, Izumi I cannot say |
Shiwu (Stonehouse) To glorify the Way what should people turn to |
Shushtari, Abu al-Hasan al- You are ultimate joy |
silent lotus Feel the Peace |
Silesius, Angelus Thou needst not cry to God |
Sinan, Ummi The Rose |
Snyder, Gary At Tower Peak |
Snyder, Gary For All |
Snyder, Gary Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout |
Snyder, Gary On Top |
Solovyov, Vladimir Thou shalt have no other gods before me |
Solovyov, Vladimir All in azure today |
Solovyov, Vladimir Three Meetings |
Soseki, Muso Clear Valley |
Soseki, Muso Hui-neng's Pond |
Soseki, Muso Incomparable Verse Valley |
Soseki, Muso Old Creek |
Soseki, Muso Temple of Eternal Light |
Stein, Edith I Will Remain With You... |
Stein, Edith Novena Of The Holy Spirit |
Stevens, Wallace Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird |
Sun Buer Gathering the Mind |
Surdas Krishna Awakes |
Symeon the New Theologian How are You at once the source of fire |
Symeon the New Theologian In the midst of that night, in my darkness |
Symeon the New Theologian O totally strange and inexpressible marvel! |
Symeon the New Theologian You, oh Christ, are the Kingdom of Heaven |
Szekely, Edmond Bordeaux God Speaks to Man |
Szymborska, Wislawa Miracle Fair |
Szymborska, Wislawa Nothing Twice |
Szymborska, Wislawa The Camel |
T'ao Ch'ien After Liu Ch'ai-Sang's Poem |
T'ao Ch'ien Autumn chrysanthemums have beautiful color |
Tagore, Rabindranath He's there among the scented trees (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath I touch God in my song |
Tagore, Rabindranath Your flute plays the exact notes of my pain. (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (75) Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs (from Gitanjali) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (103) In one salutation to thee, my God (from Gitanjali) |
Takahashi, Shinkichi A Wood in Sound |
Takahashi, Shinkichi Shell |
Taliesin A Poem for the Wind |
Taliesin Primary Chief Bard |
Teasdale, Sara Peace |
Teasdale, Sara Dew |
Teasdale, Sara The Fountain |
Tennyson, Alfred If thou would'st hear the Nameless (from The Ancient Sage) |
Tennyson, Alfred St. Agnes' Eve |
Thayumanavar Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate |
Therese of Lisieux The Divine Dew |
Thompson, Francis The Hound of Heaven |
Tilopa Song of the Mahamudra (Tilopa's Song to Naropa) |
Tiruvalluvar Truthfulness |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Eärendil the Mariner |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Galadriel's Song of Eldamar |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Gandalf's Song of Lórien |
Tolkien, J. R. R. I sit beside the fire and think |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Legolas's Song of the Sea |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Sam's Song of Strength |
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Song of Beren and Lúthien |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Upon the hearth the fire is red |
Traherne, Thomas Love |
Traherne, Thomas The Vision |
Traherne, Thomas Wonder |
Trungpa, Chogyam A Heart Lost and Discovered |
Trungpa, Chogyam Expose |
Trungpa, Chogyam Purifying and Invoking the Four Directions |
Tsogyel, Yeshe The Supreme Being is the Dakini Queen of the Lake of Awareness! |
Tu Fu I Stand Alone |
Tu Fu Moon, Rain, Riverbank |
Tu Fu Rain, Four Poems: Two Selections |
Tu Fu Spring Passing |
Tukaram All men to me are god-like Gods! |
Tukaram Can water drink itself? |
Tukaram I have found the sea |
Tukaram Thou art more kind than mother dear |
Tulsi Sahib The Rainy Season |
Ueshiba, Morihei I stand in the mountain stream |
Ueshiba, Morihei The rays of the rising sun flow in |
Ungar, Lynn Blessing the Bread |
Ungar, Lynn Boundaries |
Ungar, Lynn Passover |
Valad, Sultan The Soul That Does not Live in God is not Alive |
Vaughan, Henry The Morning Watch |
Vaughan, Henry Unprofitableness |
Vaughan, Henry Vanity of Spirit |
Vidyapati As the mirror to my hand |
Vivekananda Kali the Mother |
Vivekananda Song of the Sanyasin |
Waghray, Raj Love Dawns |
Walters, Dorothy Hymn to the Nameless One |
Walters, Dorothy If You Want |
Walters, Dorothy Still Life |
Walters, Dorothy The Abundance of Brightness |
Walters, Dorothy Whoever Went In |
Wei, Wang Cooling Off |
Wei, Wang Drifting on the Lake |
Wei, Wang Fields and Gardens by the River Qi |
Wei, Wang Living in the Mountain on an Autumn Night |
Wei, Wang My Cottage at Deep South Mountain |
Wei, Wang Stone Gate Temple in the Blue Field Mountains |
Whitman, Walt A noiseless patient spider |
Whitman, Walt Pioneers! O Pioneers! |
Whitman, Walt [2] Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, the shelves are crowded with perfumes (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [10] Alone far in the wilds and mountains I hunt (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [17] These are really the thoughts of all men in all ages and lands, they are not original with me (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [24] Walt Whitman, a cosmos, of Manhattan the son (from Song of Myself) |
Whyte, David All the True Vows |
Wordsworth, William By one pervading spirit (from The Power of Sound) |
Wordsworth, William Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 |
Wordsworth, William For I have learned (from Tintern Abbey) |
Wordsworth, William O joy! that in our embers (from Ode. Intimations of Immortality) |
Wordsworth, William Such was the Boy--but for the growing Youth (from The Excursion, Book 1) |
Wright, Richard Did somebody call? |
Yeats, William Butler The Blessed |
Yeats, William Butler The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Yeats, William Butler The Secret Rose |
Yen-shou, Yung-ming Immovable Mind |
Yogananda, Paramahansa Samadhi |
Yogananda, Paramahansa What bliss at the sight of Thy light! |
Yun, Hsu Heart of the Buddha |
Yun, Hsu Mirror Pond on Mount Taibo in Shanxi |
Zohar (Leon, Moses de) The Creation of Elohim |