Mar 02 2008


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Support the Poetry Chaikhana

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Donations to the Poetry Chaikhana in any amount are always welcome. Thank you!

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A small amount each month makes a big difference. Become a voluntary Subscriber for just $2/mo.

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Help the Poetry Chaikhana reach more people. Become a Supporter for just $10/mo.

Collectively your contributions add up. Thank you, all!

(And to those who can’t easily contribute, your word-of-mouth recommendations are also appreciated!)

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12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Donate”

  1. Debra Dorranceon 07 Jan 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Where is that statue of Whitman standing on the rock?
    I’d love to go see it.

  2. Denise Molyneauxon 15 Jun 2012 at 1:33 pm

    What is the trick to donate? I have tried so many times and nothing will move beyond the data collection page… no final processing has ever occurred and I have tried many times over many months.

    I have wanted to become a donor many times. If this is happening to me; it must be happening to others, also. I just wanted to get this information to you, in some way.

    I really enjoy all the poetry and your personal comments a great deal.

  3. Ivan M. Grangeron 17 Jun 2012 at 3:35 pm


    I apologize. Has there been some difficulty with donating through PayPal? If you tell me a little more, I may be able to help solve the problem. Or, if you prefer, you are always welcome to send a donation in the mail to:

    Poetry Chaikhana
    PO Box 2320
    Boulder, CO 80306

    Another good option: You may want to make a donation in my name to a local charity in your area. The good circulates!

    Thanks so much for your support, in whatever form it takes!


  4. anne damroschon 09 Sep 2012 at 4:31 am

    I would like to get regular emails from you. Is that possible? i want to read your poems and comments and could use the reminder to make a donation. Thanks!

  5. Ivan M. Grangeron 09 Sep 2012 at 6:42 am

    Anne, I’m happy to add you to the poem email list. You receive your first email next week. (For anyone else who wants to sign up for the poem emails, there is a small form on the Poetry Chaikhana home page side bar ) – Ivan

  6. radhaon 29 Mar 2015 at 6:35 am

    i am an indian i wish to know the price of the books in your publications in indian rupees n i wish t pay thru my state bank of india acount how to make it
    and sir your site is beautiful

  7. Ivan M. Grangeron 30 Mar 2015 at 2:07 pm

    Hello Radha,

    Thank you so much for your kind words.

    Most of the books listed on the Poetry Chaikhana website are available through or, and they can usually ship books to India. Many of these books may also be available through an Indian book distributor, but I do not know which one to recommend.

    If you are asking about the two books published by the Poetry Chaikhana — The Longing in Between and Real Thirst — if you cannot find them through a local source, I can always ship them to India.

    Please let me know if you have more questions. You are always welcome to email me directly at

    Ivan M. Granger

  8. Safa Sarmaston 19 Nov 2015 at 4:35 am

    Sorry I can’t donate in cash; hope you kindly accept the following, in humble words, instead!

    Come down Jesus
    Come down I pray
    You won’t even dare to hear
    What in your name they bray

    Come down Jesus
    Come down I pray
    Neither will you believe your eyes
    How brazenly your cause they betray

    Come down Jesus
    Come down I pray
    And see for yourself
    How bestially they cherish their super-gunplay

    Come down Jesus
    Come down I pray
    And witness yet a billion or more lambs
    To be nuked to death, in an hour or a day

    And come “DOWN ON US”
    Sooner than too late, if you may!

  9. John Steeleon 13 Aug 2020 at 4:34 pm

    Do you accept unsolicited submissions of poetry?

  10. Estalyn Walcoffon 27 Jun 2022 at 10:07 am

    I have tried donating one single amount over the year on he website.
    It has never worked.
    Please advise.
    Thank you.

  11. Ivan M. Grangeron 27 Jun 2022 at 10:26 am

    I apologize about that, Estalyn. What happens when you click on the donate button? You can also send donations directly through PayPal to my email address: Otherwise, donations can be mailed to my PO box: Poetry Chaikhana, PO Box 2320, Boulder, CO 80306. (As I mentioned in my email, this PO box will be changing soon, but all mail will be forwarded.) If you are still having difficulties, please feel free to email me directly at And thank you so much for wanting to make a donation!

  12. Ruthon 29 Jun 2022 at 5:11 pm

    Good fortune and good health on your move to Oregon. I donated something to thank you for your work, and I do hope you will find yourself in a position to continue Poetry Chaikhana.

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