Return within

by Abhishiktananda, Swami (Henri Le Saux)

English version by H. Sandeman (?)
Original Language French

Return within,
to the place where there is nothing,
and take care that nothing comes in.
Penetrate to the depths of yourself,
to the place where thought no longer exists,
and take care that no thought arises there!
There where nothing exists,
There where nothing is seen,
the Vision of Being!
There where nothing appears any longer,
the sudden appearing of the Self!
Dhyana is this!

-- from Guru and Disciple: An Encounter with Sri Gnanananda, a Contemporary Spiritual Master, by Swami Abhishiktananda / Translated by H. Sandeman

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/ Image by MikkoLagerstedt /

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

Return within...

A powerful description of deep meditation. (The word dhyana in the last line means meditation.)

There where nothing exists,


I have received several notes asking when the poem emails resume. I had a particularly challenging chronic fatigue crash a couple of weeks ago, and I have been regrouping since then, recalibrating my health regime while doing my best to maintain my work hours with my day job. It may take me a couple more weeks to get into a regular pattern with the poetry emails once again. But I am generally improving and more Poetry Chaikhana will be coming your way soon!

I am also very aware of how much our attention here in the US and in the world is being taken up by the upcoming mid-term elections, by the terrible shooting of worshippers at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and, for many, the sense of betrayal at the recent confirmation of Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. That's just a partial list.

It is important that, in the midst of however we reach out to help in the world, we remember to regularly "return within." It is that inner connection that imbues our outer action with its meaning and strength and resonance in the world.

Sending love to you all.

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Return within