Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards), Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards) poetry, Yoga / Hindu, Yoga / Hindu poetry, Shakta (Goddess-oriented) poetry,  poetry, Secular or Eclectic poetry Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards)
US (1952 - ) Timeline
Yoga / Hindu : Shakta (Goddess-oriented)
Secular or Eclectic

Poems by Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards)
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Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.) has practiced and taught meditation for over 34 years. He is the Founder and Director of Anam Cara, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. The name Anam Cara is Celtic Irish for "friend of the soul."

Kalidas has studied and practiced in the Kundalini yoga tradition, Tibetan Buddhist and Huichol Indian shamanic traditions. These rich reservoirs of wisdom have expanded and deepened the transpersonal and Jungian psychological perspectives of his professional training. His mystical experiences began as a young child and have continued throughout his adult life. They have been the real guiding force behind his studies and training. His profound experience of the Divine present in everyone, at all times, and in all places has lead him to a life of service in teaching and supporting others on their journeys into the Divine.

Kalidas grew up on Long Island, New York. In 1970 he began studying meditation and psychology in college.

He spent three years preparing to become a Vedic monk under the direction of Swami Muktananda. He was a disciple of Swami Muktananda's from 1976 until Muktananda took mahasamadhi in 1982. For the next 12 years he continued to study, teach and serve under Gurumayi Chidvilasananda's tutelage. He has run meditation centers and an ashram in the United States and he has taught meditation at a variety of institutions in Canada, India and the United States. For years he helped to train meditation teachers and meditation center leaders for the SYDA Foundation. He headed up a team of professionals who dealt with individuals going though intense Kundalini processes in the ashrams. At Swami Muktananda's ashram in Ganeshpuri, India he served as clinic manager and helped to run the mobile hospital that provided care for the desperately poor native villages in the rural area surrounding the ashram.

As Lawrence Edwards PhD, Kalidas maintains a private practice in Bedford, New York, working with people interested in spiritual growth and Kundalini, as well as doing biofeedback, neurofeedback, transpersonal psychotherapy, hypnosis, enhanced performance training, and meditation training.

Poems by Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards)

Recommended Books: Kalidas (Lawrence Edwards)

Kali's Bazaar: Gifts of Devotion to the Divine, Buddhist Wisdom, and Kundalini Yoga Tantra The Soul's Journey: Guidance from the Divine Within Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening

Related Links

Kundalini and the Soul's Journey

A fascinating site focused on Kalidas' work as Lawrence Edwards, PhD. Information on Kundalini, the Goddess Kali, and more. Worth exploring.