Don't flail about like a man wearing a blindfold
by LallaEnglish version by Ranjit Hoskote
Original Language Kashmiri
Don't flail about like a man wearing a blindfold.
Believe me, He's in here.
Come in and see for yourself.
You'll stop hunting for Him all over.
-- from I Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded, Translated by Ranjit Hoskote |
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/ Image by orijinal /
Believe me, He's in here.
It's one of those great games of the universe that wherever we're racing to, whatever we're so desperately looking for, it is always only found within. We only ever find what is already inside of us.
Even God. Even awakening. We can study the most perfect scripture perfectly. Or sit at the feet of the most radiantly enlightened master. Even then, all they can do is direct our attention to what has always been shining within us.
I guess it's time to stop hunting all over.
Come in and see for yourself.