Po Chu-i
China (772 - 846) Timeline
Buddhist : Zen / Chan

Poems by Po Chu-i
Books - Links

Po Chu-i was a gentleman poet and government official during the golden age of the Tang dynasty in China. He was born in Shansi, but later settled in Ch'ang-an in the north-west.

He held several government posts during his lifetime, including palace librarian and several provincial governorships. But, because of his willingness to openly speak out against government policies, he was also banished several times.

Po Chu-i eventually retired to a monastery when he was in his 50s. One of his legs was paralyzed at the end of his life.

His poetry often has the easy, retiring quality of Chan poetry of the time, but he also displayed a biting sense of humor often sharply critical of greedy government officials, military activity and overlooked social problems.

Poems by Po Chu-i

Recommended Books: Po Chu-i

The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library) A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy

Related Links

A Lute of Jade - Po Chu-i

Biographical sketch and several poem excerpts.

Po Chu i

Several poems online.
Po Chu-i