Ummi Sinan
Turkey (16th Century) Timeline
Muslim / Sufi

Poems by Ummi Sinan

The pen name "Ummi" means "illiterate." Not much is known about the life of Ummi Sinan, but from his poems we know he was not only literate, but probably well-educated. Using "illiterate" as a pen name suggests the Sufi virtue of simplicity and, on a more esoteric level, approaching reality with a pure vision, uncluttered by mental definitions.

Sinan was connected with the Helveti Sufi order which originated in Azerbaijan but became influential in the Anatolia region of Turkey, where Sinan lived.

Ummi Sinan's wrote two books, one on mystical philosophy, the other a collection of poetry. Both books were influential for many later Sufis.

Poems by Ummi Sinan

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Ummi Sinan