He's there among the scented trees (from The Lover of God)

by Rabindranath Tagore

English version by Tony Stewart and Chase Twitchell
Original Language Bengali

He's there among the scented trees,
playing the notes he has taught you.
Too late for embarrassment, shy doe
nibbling at the forest's edge,
shawled in deep blue shadows.
He's calling you. The flower of your soul
is opening, little deer.
The river of scent will lead you
deep into the trees where he waits.
The bihanga also plays tonight --
do you hear his more distant flute?
Black bees carry the moon's luster
from flower to flower.
The rest of the grove will bloom tonight, I think.
How he looks at you, young animal.
He shames the moon with his own dark light.

Let's bow down before the young Lord,
the deep blue flowers at his feet.

-- from The Lover of God, by Rabindranath Tagore / Translated by Tony Stewart

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He's there among