Your passion stirs me
by Bulleh ShahEnglish version by Fawad Usman
Original Language Punjabi
Your passion stirs me
into a frenzied dance: Thaiya, thaiya
Come swiftly, my healer
as breath escapes me
The venom of passion
resides within me
The brimming bowl of poison
I gulped down eagerly
Your passion stirs me
into a frenzied dance: Thaiya, thaiya
Come swiftly, my healer
as breath escapes me
The peacock coos and beckons
from the deep recesses of passion
The sight of the Beloved
is nothing less than pilgrimage
He slits my heart with one stroke
and never looks back
Your passion stirs me
into a frenzied dance: Thaiya, thaiya
Come swiftly, my healer
as breath escapes me
This passion swirls me
to the Teacher's doorstep
who gifts me a palette
of divine colors
The Beloved appears everywhere
I only have to stamp my heels
Your passion stirs me
into a frenzied dance: Thaiya, thaiya
Come swiftly, my healer
as breath escapes me
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