A Morning Offering |
For Freedom |
For Presence |
In Praise of the Earth |
Abdal, Muhittin What a Human Is, Now I Know |
Abhishiktananda, Swami (Le Saux, Henri) Arunachala is a symbol |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said A pious one with a hundred beads on your rosary |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said In my heart Thou dwellest--else with blood I'll drench it |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Nothing but burning sobs and tears tonight |
Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham A Holy Tabernacle in the Heart (from Life of the Future World) |
Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham And YHVH spoke to me when I saw His name |
Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham Circles 3 (from Life of the Future World) |
Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham Their mystery is (from Life of the Future World) |
AE (Russell, George William) Divine Visitation |
AE (Russell, George William) The Hermit |
AE (Russell, George William) The Place of Rest |
AE (Russell, George William) The Unknown God |
Akha Avoid "I," beyond body be |
Akhmatova, Anna Why then do we not despair? |
al-Alawi, Ahmad Layla |
Ammons, A. R. Identity |
Anandamurti (Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan) On the path of the journey to effulgence, |
Angelou, Maya A Brave and Startling Truth |
Angelou, Maya Alone |
Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah Devotion for Thee |
Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah Give Me |
Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah I Came |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn As Night Let its Curtains Down in Folds |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn In Memory of Those Who Melt the Soul Forever |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn My heart wears all forms |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn While the sun's eye rules my sight |
Attar, Farid ud-Din If you are elated by the Divine |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Dullard Sage |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The pilgrim sees no form but His and knows |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Valley of the Quest |
Attar, Farid ud-Din You need patience for this quest |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Simurgh |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Pupil asks; the Master answers |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Nightingale |
Attar, Farid ud-Din A dervish in ecstasy |
Attar, Farid ud-Din Look -- I do nothing; He performs all deeds |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The Lover |
Attar, Farid ud-Din The peacock's excuse |
Attar, Farid ud-Din I shall grasp the soul's skirt with my hand |
Aurobindo The Guest |
Avaiyar Vinayagar Agaval |
Ayaz I am beginning to understand |
Ayaz In every moment I am free |
Bahu, Sultan So what if love's idol is hidden? One's heart will never be far away |
Barker, Elsa He Who Knows Love |
ben Kallir, Eleazar Epithalamium |
Beni Raga Ramkali |
Berrigan, Daniel Credentials |
Berrigan, Daniel Prayer for the Big Morning |
Berrigan, Daniel Prayer on the Six P.M. Subway |
Bitkoff, Stewart Desert Tears |
Bitkoff, Stewart The Religions |
Boethius Love is Lord of All |
Boethius The Bent of Nature |
Booth, Philip First Lesson |
Brabazon, Francis The Dawn-Song Of His Mouth (from Stay With God) |
Bulleh Shah If the divine is found through ablutions |
Bulleh Shah One Point Contains All |
Bulleh Shah Seek the spirit, forget the form |
Bulleh Shah Your passion stirs me |
Carpenter, Edward The Lake of Beauty |
Catherine of Siena Consumed in Grace |
Chiyo-ni, Fukuda Airing out kimonos |
Clare of Assisi Happy, indeed, is she whom it is given to share this sacred banquet |
Clare of Assisi Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! |
Clare of Assisi When You have loved, You shall be chaste |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor There is one Mind, one omnipresent Mind (from Religious Musings) |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Reflections on Having Left a Place of Retirement |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor The Presence of Love |
Crashaw, Richard The Flaming Heart or the Life of the Glorious S. Teresa |
Crashaw, Richard To the Name above every Name, the Name of Jesus |
cummings, e. e. i carry your heart with me |
cummings, e. e. may my heart always be open to little |
cummings, e. e. now does our world descend |
Daniel, Arnaut Every day I improve and grow better |
Daniel, Arnaut The firm desire that enters |
Dariya Sahib of Bihar Without love there can be no devotion and wisdom (from Love Chapter) |
Dickinson, Emily Me from Myself -- to banish |
Dickinson, Emily The Pile of Years is not so high |
Efendi, Seyh Ibrahim The Sufi Way |
Emre, Yunus Go and let it be known to all lovers |
Emre, Yunus I am before, I am after |
Emre, Yunus I haven't come here to settle down |
Emre, Yunus Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge: |
Emre, Yunus One Who Is Real Is Humble |
Emre, Yunus That by which our hearts are held |
Farid, Baba Sheikh Do not speak a hurtful word |
Feuerstein, Georg Squaring the Circle |
Feuerstein, Georg The Crone's Blessing |
Fox, John Blown Home |
Francis of Assisi Let the whole of mankind tremble |
Francis of Assisi Let us desire nothing else |
Francis of Assisi Prayer Inspired by the Our Father |
Francis of Assisi The Prayer Before the Crucifix |
Galib, Seyh Love is a lamp of God, I am its moth |
Ganjavi, Mahsati The Pathway Finally Opened |
Gibran, Kahlil Pain |
Gibran, Kahlil Reason and Passion |
Gibran, Kahlil Self-Knowledge |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Ha! What is this dance of bliss (from Faust) |
Govindasvami Holy sixth day |
Granum Sinapis (Anonymous) Granum Sinapis |
ha Nagid, Samuel Gazing Through the Night |
Hadewijch The Queen of Sheba |
Hafiz A New World |
Hafiz Beauty Radiated in Eternity |
Hafiz I feel this yen |
Hafiz If life remains, I shall go back to the tavern |
Hafiz It Is Time to Wake Up! |
Hafiz O Saghi, pass around that cup of wine, then bring it to me |
Hafiz Spring and all its flowers |
Hafiz The Pearl on the Ocean Floor |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) A Crystal Rim |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) How Could a Lover Fall? |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Love is the Funeral Pyre |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) The Thousand-Stringed Instrument |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) Today |
Hallaj, Mansur al- If They Only Knew |
Hallaj, Mansur al- You glide between the heart and its casing |
Han-Ch'ing, Kuan Idle Wandering |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) My heart is like the autumn moon |
Han-shan (Cold Mountain) You have seen the blossoms among the leaves; |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Looking for Each Other |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Please Call Me by My True Names |
Hawkes, Patricia Conversion |
Hawkes, Patricia Prayer of the Heart |
Hayati, Bibi Before there was a hint of civilization |
Hayati, Bibi Is it the night of power |
Hekhalot Hymns (Anonymous) The Face of God |
Herbert, George Prayer (I) |
Herbert, George The Altar |
Herbert, George The Flower |
Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Intimate Hymn |
Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua The Word Most Precious |
Hildegard von Bingen Ave generosa / Hymn to the Virgin |
Hildegard von Bingen Columba aspexit / Sequence for Saint Maximin |
Hildegard von Bingen Holy Spirit of Fire |
Hildegard von Bingen O Euchari in leta via / Sequence for Saint Eucharius |
Hildegard von Bingen O ignee Spiritus / Hymn to the Holy Spirit |
Himmet, Kul No Ordinary Goods |
Hirshfield, Jane Standing Deer |
Hirshfield, Jane The Lives of the Heart |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley God's Grandeur |
Hui K'o No me: Dharmas all |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar In truth, I led my prayer leader in prayer (from The Poem of the Sufi Way) |
Ibn Ata' Illah How utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon I look for you early |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon I Sought Thee Daily |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon Thou art One |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon Where Will I Find You |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Bright are Thy tresses, brighten them even more (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad To the Saqi (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Love the phoenix cannot be trapped |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin Sing |
Iraqi, Fakhruddin We Yield Our Hearts |
Islam, Nazrul Come silently like the Moon |
Islam, Nazrul He who has seen my Mother |
Islam, Nazrul Let's Meet Hereafter! |
Jacobsen, Rolf Guardian Angel |
Jacobsen, Rolf When They Sleep |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) Love, where did You enter the heart unseen? (from In Praise of Divine Love) |
Janabai By my life I will not let you go |
Jayadeva My heart values his vulgar ways (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva When spring came, tender-limbed Radha wandered (from The Gitagovinda) |
Jayadeva You rest on the circle of Sri's breast (from The Gitagovinda) |
John of the Cross Dark Night |
John of the Cross Love's Living Flame |
John of the Cross Not for All the Beauty |
Kabir Hang up the swing of love today! |
Kabir lift the veil |
Kabir Tell me, O Swan, your ancient tale |
Kabir The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright |
Kabir The Lord is in Me |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) My Dear One |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) The mountain stands steady in its grandeur |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) What mind can possibly approach you |
Kalidasa Waking |
Kamalakanta Is my black Mother Syama really black? |
Kamalakanta Mother |
Kerouac, Jack The Scripture of the Golden Eternity |
Khayyam, Omar [14] The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Ah, Come Sit Beside Me |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Song of the Beloved (from The Immortal Friend) |
Lalan Could I ever forget him |
Lalla I hacked my way through six forests |
Lalla Learning the scriptures is easy |
Lawrence, D. H. Pax |
Lee, Li-Young One Heart |
Levine, Stephen Half life |
Levine, Stephen Hatching dragonflies |
Levine, Stephen Meng's mountain |
Levine, Stephen Millennium Blessing |
Li Bai Parting |
Llull, Ramon January (from The Book of the Lover and Beloved) |
Lu Tung Pin My heart is the clear water in the stony pond |
Lu Tung Pin When the moon is high I'll take my cane for a walk |
Luria, Isaac A Poem for the Small Face |
Machado, Antonio I dreamt you took me |
Machado, Antonio Lord, You Tore from Me |
Machado, Antonio Proverbs and Songs |
Machado, Antonio Songs |
Machado, Antonio The Waterwheel |
Macy, Joanna Ecosattva Vows |
Maghribi, Muhammad Shirin O End of Every Beginning |
Maghribi, Muhammad Shirin The Moon of Your Love |
Maghsoud, Moulana Shah If you long for the face of the Beloved |
Maghsoud, Moulana Shah The sun's radiance in her face is in |
Maghsoud, Moulana Shah Turn the darkness of heart by the elixir of the people of the secret |
Mahadevi, Akka He bartered my heart |
Mahadevi, Akka Like a silkworm weaving |
Mahadevi, Akka Treasure in the Ground |
Maharshi, Ramana The Marital Garland of Letters |
Maharshi, Ramana The Necklet of Nine Gems |
McCombs, Chris Beauty & the Heart |
McCombs, Chris Go Deeper |
McCombs, Chris Is This Your Time? |
McCombs, Chris Roos O Shab |
McCombs, Chris Swan Born |
McCombs, Chris The Friend Is Always There |
McCombs, Chris The Tavern |
Mechthild of Magdeburg The devil also offers his spirit |
Meher Baba How Wonderful is the murderous mercy of God! |
Meher Baba The Beloved's Face |
Meher Baba The Intoxicated |
Merton, Thomas A Psalm |
Merton, Thomas Aubade -- The City |
Merton, Thomas O Sweet Irrational Worship |
Merton, Thomas The Fall |
Merton, Thomas The Sowing of Meanings |
Merwin, W. S. Finding a Teacher |
Milarepa The Profound Definitive Meaning |
Mirabai I am pale with longing for my beloved |
Mirabai O I saw witchcraft tonight |
Mirabai The Beloved Comes Home |
Mirabai The Heat of Midnight Tears |
Mirabai Unbreakable, O Lord |
Misri, Dhun-Nun al- The haunt of the hearts of the gnostics |
Misri, Niyazi Now No Trace Remains |
Mistral, Gabriela The Rose |
Mistral, Gabriela Those Who Do Not Dance |
Mueller, Lisel Monet Refuses the Operation |
Muhaiyaddeen, Bawa The things that change are not our real life |
Muhaiyaddeen, Bawa There is One God |
Muktananda, Swami There is a center of sublime knowledge |
Nachmanides (Nachman, Moses ben) Prayers for the Protection and Opening of the Heart |
Namdev He is the One in many |
Namdev The drum with no drumhead beats |
Nammalvar The earth and the far-flung sky |
Nasimi, Imadeddin At love's most sumptuous feast was I with love made drunk |
Navajo (Anonymous) Navajo Prayer - May it be beautiful |
Nematollah Vali, Shah I beheld my essence |
Neruda, Pablo I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz |
Neruda, Pablo In the center of the earth I will push aside |
Neruda, Pablo Poetry |
Nizamoglu, Seyyid Seyfullah The Path of Amazement |
Novalis Uplifted is the stone |
Nurbakhsh, Javad Surrender |
Nurbakhsh, Javad The Beloved |
O'Brian, Ellen Grace Anahata |
O'Brian, Ellen Grace In the Heart is a Well |
O'Brian, Ellen Grace Maya |
Oliver, Colin Become Nothing |
Oliver, Mary Starlings in Winter |
Pampattic Cittar One must delve deep |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary I Saw the Sun at Midnight |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary I See His Blood Upon the Rose |
Po Chu-i Autumn's Cold |
Pope, Alexander The Universal Prayer |
Porete, Marguerite O Lover of gentle nature |
Qushayri The Watchers |
Rabia al-Basri (Adawiyya, Rabia al-) My joy |
Rabjampa, Longchen An Adamantine Song on the Ever-Present |
Rahman Baba Soul Train |
Rahman Baba Sow Flowers |
Ramakrishna Is there anyone in the universe |
Ramananda Raga Basant |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Ma, You're inside me |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) O Death! Get away; what canst thou do? |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Of what use is my going to Kasi any more? |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) This time I shall devour Thee utterly, Mother Kali! |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Why disappear into formless trance? |
Ramsay, Jay Blessed Unrest |
Ramsay, Jay By Loch Arrow |
Ramsay, Jay In the End: The Beginning |
Ramsay, Jay Infinity and Beyond |
Ramsay, Jay Traveller: stop a moment (from Anamnesis) |
Raphael Reed, Sabah Toward the One |
Rasakhan Loving Vow |
Rasakhan Offer Your Heart |
Reninger, Elizabeth Basin |
Reninger, Elizabeth Bird Bath |
Reninger, Elizabeth Vision |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Buddha in Glory |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Duration of Childhood |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Mausoleum |
Rilke, Rainer Maria The Second Elegy (from The Duino Elegies) |
Rilke, Rainer Maria You who let yourselves feel: enter the breathing |
Rosenstock, Gabriel frosty morning |
Rosenstock, Gabriel Spring With a Thousand Clichés |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Ah, what was there in that light-giving candle that it set fire to the heart, and snatched the heart away? |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin I regard not the outside and the words |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin I smile like a flower not only with my lips |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin If continually you keep your hope |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Like This |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin look at love |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin No end to the journey |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Shall I tell you our secret? |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin That moon which the sky never saw |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The beauty of the heart |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The glow of the light of daybreak is in your emerald vault, the goblet of the blood of twilight is your blood-measuring bowl |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The grapes of my body can only become wine |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The Sun Must Come |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin This love sacrifices all souls, however wise, however "awakened" |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin With Us |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin You have fallen in love my dear heart |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin A World with No Boundaries (Ghazal 363) |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin You are closer to me than myself (Ghazal 2798) |
Sa'di I know I promised |
Sa'di The world, my brother! will abide with none |
Sanai, Hakim My friend, everything existing |
Sanai, Hakim The way to You |
Sanai, Hakim The Wild Rose of Praise |
Sarmad Companion |
Sarmad My friend, engage your heart in his embrace |
Sarmad My heart searched for your fragrance |
Sarmad The ocean of his generosity has no shore |
Sarmast, Sachal We are, what are we? |
Sarton, May The Work of Happiness |
Saure, Gunter Forever Now |
Saure, Gunter In Time |
Saure, Gunter The Meeting |
Schuon, Frithjof Heart's Wisdom |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Mirror (from The Secret Rose Garden) |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Wine of Rapture (from The Secret Rose Garden) |
Shih Shu as flowing waters disappear into the mist |
Singh, Darshan How should I tell of the feeling that reigns |
Singh, Darshan In what state was I |
Singh, Darshan Wonder of wonders! |
Snyder, Gary For All |
Snyder, Gary Once Only |
Solovyov, Vladimir All in azure today |
Solovyov, Vladimir Near, far off, not here, not there |
Stafford, William Cutting Loose |
Stagnaro, Janaka Going Home |
Stein, Edith I Will Remain With You... |
Stein, Edith Novena Of The Holy Spirit |
Sun Buer Refining the Spirit |
Swir, Anna I Talk To My Body |
Symeon the New Theologian In the midst of that night, in my darkness |
Symeon the New Theologian The fire rises in me |
Symeon the New Theologian The Light of Your Way |
Symeon the New Theologian We awaken in Christ's body |
T'ao Ch'ien I built my hut within where others live |
Tagore, Rabindranath Listen, can you hear it? (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time (from Gitanjali) |
Tagore, Rabindranath Who are You, who keeps my heart awake? (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath Your flute plays the exact notes of my pain. (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (1) Thou hast made me endless (from Gitanjali) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (38) I want thee, only thee (from Gitanjali) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (63) Thou hast made me known to friends whom I knew not (from Gitanjali) |
Teasdale, Sara It Is Not a Word |
Teasdale, Sara Oh You Are Coming |
Teasdale, Sara The Fountain |
Teasdale, Sara Two Songs for Solitude |
Teresa of Avila I Live Without Living In Me |
Thayumanavar Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate |
Thayumanavar To have reached the state of impassivity that holds (from Bliss that is Perfect Full) |
Theophan the Recluse Descend from your head into your heart |
Theophan the Recluse Images, however sacred |
Therese of Lisieux My Song for Today |
Thompson, Francis The Hound of Heaven |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Eärendil the Mariner |
Traherne, Thomas My Spirit |
Trungpa, Chogyam A Heart Lost and Discovered |
Tsoknyi Rinpoche (Tsoknyi Gyatso, Ngawang) Sometime go outside and sit |
Tsvetaeva, Marina The gold that was my hair has turned |
Tukaram All men to me are god-like Gods! |
Tukaram Know him to be a true man who takes to his bosom |
Tukaram This heart of mine is determined that for me now |
Tulsi Sahib Sound Celestial |
Tulsi Sahib The Rainy Season |
Tulsi Sahib Within This Body |
Tung-Shan (Tozan) Verses on the Five Ranks |
Tustari, Sahl al- The gnostics' hearts with eyes are blest |
Underhill, Evelyn Corpus Christi |
Underhill, Evelyn Dynamic Love |
Ungar, Lynn The Way It Is |
Vidyapati All my inhibition left me in a flash |
Vidyapati As the mirror to my hand |
Vidyapati My friend, I cannot answer when you ask me to explain |
Waghray, Raj Love Dawns |
Waghray, Raj The One in White |
Waghray, Raj When the heart speaks... |
Walcott, Derek Love After Love |
Walters, Dorothy Preparing to Greet the Goddess |
Walters, Dorothy Taken |
Whitman, Walt Pioneers! O Pioneers! |
Whitman, Walt [8] The little one sleeps in its cradle (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [24] Walt Whitman, a cosmos, of Manhattan the son (from Song of Myself) |
Whyte, David All the True Vows |
Wordsworth, William Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 |
Wordsworth, William Imagination--here the Power so called (from The Prelude, Book 6) |
Wordsworth, William The Daffodils |
Yeats, William Butler Sailing to Byzantium |
Yeats, William Butler The Blessed |
Yeats, William Butler The Everlasting Voices |
Yogananda, Paramahansa What bliss at the sight of Thy light! |
Yun-k'an Tzu by willow's shade |
Yun, Hsu Heart of the Buddha |