Blessed Unrest

by Jay Ramsay

Original Language English

‘Follow your bliss ? Follow your heartbreak'
- Andrew Harvey

The geese are gathering above the Findhorn shoreline
their wild entwined cries, a cacophony of threads
late at night and in the dark before the dawn;
harbingers. And to the shots that greet them
from the underlings of the death machine--
casual or culling, you hardly care
but it sharpens their cries like a pencil
twisted round in the socket of its blade
in your heart: and you want to go out
armed with nothing but your outrage
and always now, with their cries echoing
in all your blessed unrest.

Blessed ? Yes, their unsleep
your reason for living
this world's passionate awakening
to sense beyond sense
and the litanies of its non-sense,
the same fire that you follow
into the depth of your heartbreak
that brings up the sun
in the heart of a lion
speaking the Holy Name.

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

author's note:
Andrew Harvey's The Hope—a guide to sacred activism (Hay House, 2009) is a must-read for anyone serious about wanting to change the world. The ‘sacred activist' avoids the solipsism of the mystic on the one hand, and the self-righteousness and/or burn-out of the secular activist on the other. It is a brilliant synthesis and call to arms by someone who is passionately well-informed.

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Blessed Unrest