Traditions : Yoga / Hindu :
Advaita / Non-Dualist


Poets in the Advaita / Non-Dualist tradition
Books - Links



The Advaita or Non-Dualist tradition of Yoga emerges from the principle that God is One and not divided. All separation is simply appearance and, if you investigate deeply, you will find only divine unity.

This tradition asserts that there is nothing one must do to merge with God, for we are already That; we must simply assume our natural state and awaken to the divine reality.

Often associated with Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of Wisdom. Tends to deemphasize the elaborate practices and spiritual technologies of other forms of Yoga in favor of introversion and settling into one's natural state.

In modern times, the best known proponent of the Advaita tradition was Ramana Maharshi.

Poets in the Advaita / Non-Dualist Tradition

Abhishiktananda, Swami (Henri Le Saux) (1910 - 1973)
Adyashanti (1962 - )
  Akha (1600? - 1650?)
Jnaneshwar (1275 - 1296)
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986)
Ramana Maharshi (1879 - 1950)
Chris McCombs (1947 - )
Meher Baba (1894 - 1969)
Nirmala (Contemporary)
  Colin Oliver (1946 - )
  Arthur Osborne (1909 - 1970)
Ram Tzu (Wayne Liquorman) (1950 - )
Shankara (788 - 820)
Janaka Stagnaro (1960 - )
Thayumanavar (1706 - 1744)
Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)

Related Links:

A good on-line magazine with articles and interviews, particularly focusing on advaita teachers and perspectives.

Articles, forums, email lists, lists of teachers. If you're interested in exploring nondualist philosophy on the web, this is the best place to go. (You may find that there is no other place to go.) - The Spiritual Path of Advaita

A very good site with lists of teachers, advaita scriptures and recommended books, some good articles, and lots of links.
  Works of Sankaracharya, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu Sacred Scriptures

Biography and works of Shankara online. Other excellent resources on the Upanishads, other Vedanta texts, and links to other sites.

Advaita / Non