How Can I Explain?

by Ivan M. Granger

Original Language English

Beloved, they want to know:
Did I reach up to You,
or did You reach out to me?

And they want to know:
What is real

How can I explain

-- we pour
into each other.

-- from Real Thirst: Poetry of the Spiritual Journey, by Ivan M. Granger

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

Did I reach up to You,
or did You reach out to me?

The question that haunts all spiritual seekers: Union through effort or grace? Effort tends to fix the illusion of separation. And grace, well, that sounds so random and passive. How does one earn grace effortlessly? How is effort natural and graceful?

Everyone wants to know.

What is real

What is real? And is the divine touch real? What is bliss? What is union? Is it a fantasy, a fairy tale? Is it a metaphor? Is it just a mental idea? Is it tangible, tactile, felt in the body, or so subtle that words fail? What is it really that seekers seek?

Everyone wants to know.

Let's step back from the theologies and ten thousand spiritual techniques. The secret shared between lover and Beloved is simple:

-- we pour
into each other.

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How Can I Explain?