Mansur al- Hallaj Iran/Persia (9th Century) Timeline Muslim / Sufi Poems by Mansur al- Hallaj Books - Links |
The name Hallaj means "wool carder," probably a reference to his family's traditional occupation. Hallaj was born in the province of Fars, Persia (Iran). He later moved to what is now Iraq, where he took up religious studies and Sufi practice.
Orthodox religious authorities took offense at his poetry and teachings, particularly the line in one of his great poems "Ana 'l-Haqq," which translates as "I am the Real," but can also be translated as "I am the Truth" or "I am God" -- acknowledging the mystical realization of unity with the Eternal. He was condemned by a council of theologians, imprisoned for nine years, and eventually put to death. He is revered today as a martyr for truth by many Sufis and mystics.
Poems by Mansur al- Hallaj
- I am the One whom I love
- I Witnessed My Maker
- If They Only Knew
- Kill me, my faithful friends
- My One and Only, only You can make me
- Seeking Truth, I studied religion
- Stillness
- You glide between the heart and its casing
- You live inside my heart; in there are secrets about You
- You Went Away but Remained in Me
- Your spirit is mingled with mine
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Related Links
Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj
An extended biography on-line.
The Tawasin of Mansur Al-Hallaj
A complete translation of Mansur's Tawasin.
Barbar: a poetry and translation blog: Hallaj
Some lovely original translations of works by Hallaj. Explore the blog further for several excellent translations by other poets, as well.