A Philosophicall short songe of the incorporating of the Spirit of the Lord in Salt

by Heinrich Khunrath

English version by Anonymous
Original Language German

Spirit Divine, blest be thy state,
That art in Salt incorporate
And in the Worlds true virgin wombe
A pure Quintessence art becomme.
Lord have mercy upon us.

Gods wondrous eternal power,
Man in this world may discover,
Who wth the greate worlds flesh & blood
Clad itselfe for our Eternall good.
Lord have mercy upon us.

Who earst the whole world didst surround
Now in old Chaos seede art found
Soe art becomme a body small
Susteyning all things naturall.
Lord have mercy upon us.

This is the greate Light of Nature
That giving the world a new Lustre
And shining in ye darksome night
To make us true Children of Light
Lord have mercy upon us.

Thou Spirit of God true God art
Yet in the world a stranger wert
Which led us out from Errors place
And made us heyres of Natures grace.
Lord have mercy upon us.

On Earth he was in meane Consort
Us in great mercy to Comfort
And make us rich in true wisdome
That like new borne Babes we becomme.
Lord have mercy upon us.

All this on us good God bestow
Then Lord shall we thy greate workes shew
And wisdomes Babes their voyce shall raise
Singing to thy Eternall praise.
Lord have mercy upon us.

-- From The Alchemy Website http://www.levity.com/alchemy/khunconf.html

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A Philosophicall short