Imadeddin Nasimi, Imadeddin Nasimi poetry, Muslim / Sufi, Muslim / Sufi poetry,  poetry,  poetry,  poetry Imadeddin Nasimi
Azerbaijan (1369? - 1418) Timeline
Muslim / Sufi

Poems by Imadeddin Nasimi

Nasimi was born in the Central Asian region of Azerbaijan. (Though there seems to be some disagreement as to his birth place, some sources stating he was born in Baghdad.)

In Nasimi's time, Azerbaijan had recently freed itself from the earlier Mongol invasions, but was subsequently invaded by the conqueror Tamerlane.

In the midst of this political and cultural turmoil, the Hurufi sect emerged, asserting that the individual and God are fundamentally one.

Nasimi joined the Hurufis, assuming the name Nasimi in imitation of his teacher, who was named Naimi.

The Hurufis were often persecuted for their unorthodox beliefs. After the death of his teacher at the hands of Tamerlane's son, Nasimi journeyed across much of the Middle East to spread the teachings of Hurufism and to write his poetry.

In 1417, he was arrested by the orthodox religious authorities in Aleppo, Syria, where he was executed for his "blasphemous" teachings and poetry.

Poems by Imadeddin Nasimi

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Imadeddin Nasimi