In Love

by Sa'di

English version by Mahmood Jamal
Original Language Persian/Farsi

In Love there are no days or nights,
For lovers it is all the same.
The musicians have gone, yet the Sufis listen;
In Love there is a beginning but no end.
Each has a name for his Beloved,
But for me my Beloved is nameless.
Sa'di, if you destroy an idol,
Then destroy the idol of the self.

-- from Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi, Translated by Mahmood Jamal

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/ Image by Greg Rakozy /

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

The Poetry Chaikhana is back. So too am I, mostly. The winter holidays have been celebrated and survived. The world continues to shift about and demand our hearts.

Each has a name for his Beloved,
But for me my Beloved is nameless.

Here I stand beneath the full moon, quiet, not entirely sure who it is awash in that light.

Sa'di, if you destroy an idol,
Then destroy the idol of the self.

Sending love!

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Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi Perfume of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi Wisdom The Gulistan of Sadi: The Rose Garden The Mystics of Islam Winds of Grace: Poetry, Stories and Teachings of Sufi Mystics and Saints

In Love