You are my true self, O Lord
by ShankaraEnglish version by Ivan M. Granger
You are my true self, O Lord.
My pure awareness is your consort.
My breath, my body are your handmaids.
I am your holy ground.
My every action is an offering to you.
My rest is my melting into you.
Every step I take circles you.
Every word I speak is a song for you.
Whatever work I do, that work is worship of you,
O Fountain of Bliss!
-- from This Dance of Bliss: Ecstatic Poetry from Around the World, Edited by Ivan M. Granger |
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/ Image by DieselDemon /
I feel like I should say something about this poem by the great Adi Shankara, but I'm not feeling especially verbal this morning. Sometimes it's best for me to just step aside and let the poem speak for itself. Enjoy!
And be well.