Therese of Lisieux, Therese of Lisieux poetry, Christian, Christian poetry, Catholic poetry,  poetry,  poetry Therese of Lisieux
France (1873 - 1897) Timeline
Christian : Catholic

Poems by Therese of Lisieux
Books - Links

St. Therese of Lisieux, often called the Little Flower, is a greatly loved modern saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

Therese suffered from illness all her life and died of tuberculosis in her mid-twenties, yet in her few short years she developed a humble and deep-seated devotion that has inspired generations since.

She was born into a religious family in Alencon, France. Her father was a watchmaker and her mother made lace. Therese's mother died when Therese was only four years old. Her father moved the family to Lisieux.

At the very young age of 15, Therese followed her older sister and became a nun, entering the Carmel convent at Lisieux.

Soon after her death, her autobiography, The Story of a Soul, was published. In this book, she describes her spiritual path as "the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and surrender." She repeatedly emphasizes that she is "little," humble, insignificant, that the individual self is nothing (while God is all).

Some post-modern spiritual seekers may object to what may seem to be her overly submissive and self-negating "Little Way," yet we should recognize the current of spiritual fierceness that runs beneath her humility. Finally we must remember that all true mystics must transcend the ego-self in order to discover the Beloved.

St. Therese of Lisieux's poetry is not as well known as her autobiography, but well worth reading to gain even deeper understanding into this deeply humble mystic.

Poems by Therese of Lisieux

Recommended Books: Therese of Lisieux

The Poetry of Saint Therese of Lisieux The Prayers of Saint Therese of Lisieux: The Act of Oblation Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux The Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, Vol. I: 1877-1890 Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, Vol. II: 1890 - 1897

Related Links

Therese de Lisieux - Wikipediaérèse_de_Lisieux

A good, brief survey of the life and writings of Therese of Lisieux.

Saint Therese of Lisieux

A must-visit site with a detailed biography, many articles on St. Therese and her spirituality, a blog, and more.

Sanctuaire de Lisieux

The official website for Therese's sanctuary at Lisieux. Many photographs, several samples of St. Therese's writings.

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Biography of St. Therese of Lisieux on the Vatican website.

The Story of a Soul - Project Gutenberg

The complete text of St. Therese of Lisieux's autobiography online.
Therese of Lisieux