Akhmatova, Anna Why then do we not despair? |
Ammons, A. R. Identity |
Basho, Matsuo Summer grasses |
Berry, Wendell Sabbaths 1998, VI |
Carpenter, Edward The sun shines, as of old |
Cavafy, Constantine P. Ithaca |
Chikako, Jusammi On this summer night |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor The Presence of Love |
Dickinson, Emily I taste a liquor never brewed |
Dickinson, Emily There came a Day at Summer's full |
Dickinson, Emily There is a Zone whose even Years |
Granger, Ivan M. Adi Atman 9: you you |
Khayyam, Omar [8] And look -- a thousand Blossoms with the Day |
Khayyam, Omar [22] And we, that now make merry in the Room |
Merton, Thomas The Sowing of Meanings |
Oliver, Mary Morning Poem |
Oliver, Mary The Summer Day |
Pope, Alexander Solitude: An Ode |
Roethke, Theodore In a Dark Time |
Rosenstock, Gabriel (14) Your summer (from Year of the Goddess) |
Stevens, Wallace The house was quiet and the world was calm |
Taliesin Primary Chief Bard |
Teasdale, Sara Two Songs for Solitude |
Tennyson, Alfred If thou would'st hear the Nameless (from The Ancient Sage) |
Whitman, Walt [1] I celebrate myself, and sing myself (from Song of Myself) |
Whitman, Walt [5] I believe in you my soul, the other I am must not abase itself to you (from Song of Myself) |
Wright, Richard At slow intervals |
Yeats, William Butler Sailing to Byzantium |