You are perfect

by Ram Tzu (Wayne Liquorman)

Original Language English

Ram Tzu knows this -

You are perfect.

Your every defect
is perfectly defined.

Your every blemish
is perfectly placed.

Your every absurd action
is perfectly timed.

Only God could make
Something this ridiculous

-- from No Way: For the Spiritually "Advanced", by Wayne Liquorman

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/ Image by Eloha-Ulysses /

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Commentary by Ivan M. Granger

Something for those days when we see our own faults and imperfections all too clearly beneath the harsh neon light of self-judgment...

You are perfect.

Yes, we absolutely should work to find balance, better guide our actions, elevate our focus, settle the mind and its impulses -- but we need occasional reminders that "perfection" is not found in constructing a perfect, flawless self. Perfection, if we want to call it that, is found -- absurdly -- in our imperfect selves right now, within this imperfect world right now.

The ridiculousness exists only because we have forgotten our nature...

Your every blemish
is perfectly placed.

...and even those blemishes, when we really pay attention to them with a quiet mind, suggest something to us of the road back to the pure, radiant being we already are beneath it all.

Only God could make
Something this ridiculous

So be kind to yourself today in all your ridiculousness. Self-acceptance has a strange way of becoming self-awareness.

Recommended Books: Ram Tzu (Wayne Liquorman)

No Way: For the Spiritually "Advanced"

You are perfect