Love, infusing with light all who share Your splendor (from In Praise of Divine Love)

by Jacopone da Todi (Jacopone Benedetti)

English version by Serge and Elizabeth Hughes
Original Language Italian

Love, infusing with light all who share Your splendor,
You teach us the true light
Is not to be found in the light of this world.

Light that enlightens, light that teaches,
He who is not illumined by You
Does not reach the fullness of love.

Love, You give light
To the intellect in darkness
And illumine the Object of love.

Love, Your ardor,
Which enflames the heart,
Unites it with the Incarnate One.

-- from Jacopone da Todi: Lauds (Classics of Western Spirituality), Translated by Serge and Elizabeth Hughes

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Love, infusing with