Love, where did You enter the heart unseen? (from In Praise of Divine Love)
by Jacopone da Todi (Jacopone Benedetti)English version by Serge and Elizabeth Hughes
Original Language Italian
Love, where did You enter the heart unseen?
Lovable Love, joyful Love, unthinkable Love,
In Your plenitude You lie far beyond the reach of reason.
Love, jocund and joyous,
Divine fire, You do not stint
Of your endlessly beautiful riches.
-- from Jacopone da Todi: Lauds (Classics of Western Spirituality), Translated by Serge and Elizabeth Hughes |
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In these lines, the word "Love" almost becomes a chant: "Lovable Love, joyful Love, unthinkable Love..." The phrases invite repetition, circling round and round in the awareness until they lead to the very subject which they praise.
And what a delightful phrase: -- "Love, jocund and joyous." Those words roll around on the tongue like melting chocolate.
There are several key phrases here that particularly grab my attention:
Love, where did You enter the heart unseen?
In states of deep spiritual communion, when the agitations of the mind are at rest and the attention is not seeking outward distractions, all awareness settles into the heart, touching everything without the need to reach out to do so. It is an experience of expansiveness without movement, of absolute contentment and interconnection... and an experience of all-encompassing love.
What is often surprising is the recognition that this inner heart, this spiritual heart has always been at rest in this profound state of love, even though we somehow have spent years not recognizing it. It is as if a thief has stolen unseen into the heart, but riches are given rather than taken. Treasures are suddenly scattered everywhere through the heart -- even far into the forgotten past.
Love, jocund and joyous...
A giddy joy comes upon us in the ecstatic state, felt especially as a spreading warmth upon the heart. This is greater and, at the same time subtler, than what is normally called happiness. Happiness is sharp-edged and fleeting, but this joy is filled with peace and completely independent of external circumstances. This quiet bliss is steady and radiant.
Divine fire, You do not stint...
In deep spiritual ecstasy, there is often a sense of heat -- filled with immense love -- that permeates the body. This is such a wonderful fire that mystics often describe it as the flame of love.
This love is not some philosophical notion, it's not some passing emotion, it is simply, inexplicably there, quietly glowing within each heart, waiting to be discovered.
Lovable Love, joyful Love, unthinkable Love...
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