Jul 01 2022
Poetry Chaikhana Move Updates
Poetry Chaikhana Move Updates
I want to say how profoundly touched I am by the many messages I have received wishing me well through this upcoming move. I haven’t been able to respond to every note, but I have read them all. Here is something I wrote to someone else also going through a move that I thought might be worth sharing:
“So much goes into a move, doesn’t it? It is not just planning and boxing and cleaning. A move becomes a sort of life review. We sift through all the things we have accumulated, furniture, books, mementos, every little thing that fills our living spaces. Each item reminds us of a memory, a time we purchased it, or when it was given to us. It can be an emotional process, reminding us of the stories of our lives, asking us what from our past we want to carry forward into the next phase.”
It’s a bit of a whirlwind around here right now, but we are so looking forward to this new phase, both personally and with the Poetry Chaikhana. We’re trying to catch the current in the midst of all the activity…
We have raised nearly two thirds of our $5,000 goal to help with the move!
The donations coming in to help with this move have been so generous! Many donations of $10, $20 and $30 have come in, along with several donations of larger amounts. I know that sometimes the smallest contributions mean the most, because they are often the most difficult to send. I am grateful to you all!
If you are still thinking of making a contribution — it is certainly welcome. It would be wonderful to reach that $5,000 goal. But if finances are too tight to send something right now, I genuinely understand. Your good wishes help too. And a friendly note of support arriving in my in-box or in the mail is always a welcome sight!
Thank you so much, everyone, for your help and encouragement through this big move. I look forward to working with you and watching the Poetry Chaikhana adapt and change in its new home!
What move!? Did i miss something!? I don’t remember a post about you moving! Where are you going?
Hi Mystic- My wife and I are moving back to our hometown of Eugene, Oregon. I sent a note out about that recently. If you didn’t receive a copy, you can read all about it here: https://www.poetry-chaikhana.com/blog/2022/06/30/poetry-chaikhana-is-moving/ New journeys and a homecoming!
OMG! No I never received your post. It looks like you posted it yesterday!
Wow – I hope all goes well for you and your family! We’ve been to Oregon and loved it…
It sounds like it is really “home” for you. Am glad you are following that which speaks to you, the “Divine” signs, what draws you, being “silently” drawn to that which you really love.
All the best in this intense transition… I know it’s a challenge with health issues at this age…