Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said In my heart Thou dwellest--else with blood I'll drench it |
Abil-Kheir, Abu-Said Nothing but burning sobs and tears tonight |
Akhmatova, Anna I've learned to live simply, wisely |
Angelou, Maya Savior |
Arabi, Muhyiddin ibn In Memory of Those Who Melt the Soul Forever |
Aulia, Hazrat Nizamuddin O breeze! turn towards Medina (and) from this well-wisher recite the Salaam |
Aurobindo Reminiscence |
Bitkoff, Stewart Desert Tears |
Blake, William Auguries of Innocence |
Blake, William Awake! awake O sleeper of the land of shadows (from Jerusalem) |
Blake, William Hear the voice of the Bard! |
Carpenter, Edward The Lake of Beauty |
Carpenter, Edward The sun shines, as of old |
Emre, Yunus The lover is outcast and idle |
Fox, John Consider What Happens |
Ganjavi, Nizami The seeker loses his way to You |
Ghalib, Mirza The drop dies in the river |
Gibran, Kahlil Prayer |
Granger, Ivan M. Adi Atman 9: you you |
ha Nagid, Samuel Answer Me |
ha Nagid, Samuel Red in aspect, sweet in taste |
Hadewijch What I sang so often of Love (from Defense of Love) |
Hafiz Spring and all its flowers |
Hafiz (Ladinsky, Daniel) The Thousand-Stringed Instrument |
Hakuin Hakuin's Song of Zazen |
Hallaj, Mansur al- You glide between the heart and its casing |
Hanh, Thich Nhat Looking for Each Other |
Hildegard von Bingen O ignee Spiritus / Hymn to the Holy Spirit |
Hirshfield, Jane The Lives of the Heart |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley Each mortal thing does one thing and the same |
Ibn al-Farid, Umar Be drunk from it (from The Wine Ode (al-Khamriyah)) |
ibn Gabirol, Solomon I Sought Thee Daily |
Iqbal, Allama Muhammad To the Saqi (from Baal-i-Jibreel) |
Jacopone da Todi (Benedetti, Jacopone) Now, a new creature |
Jayadeva When spring came, tender-limbed Radha wandered (from The Gitagovinda) |
John of the Cross I Live Yet Do Not Live in Me |
Kalidas (Edwards, Lawrence) The Mind Like a Firefly |
Kerouac, Jack The Scripture of the Golden Eternity |
Khayyam, Omar [9] But come with old Khayyam, and leave the Lot |
Khayyam, Omar [51] The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ |
Ko Un Indangsu sea, shine dark blue |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu Song of the Beloved (from The Immortal Friend) |
Lawrence, D. H. God is Born |
Llull, Ramon January (from The Book of the Lover and Beloved) |
Machado, Antonio Last night, as I was sleeping [Bly] |
Maharshi, Ramana The Marital Garland of Letters |
Malloy, Merrit Epitaph |
Meher Baba The Beloved's Face |
Merton, Thomas A Practical Program for Monks |
Milarepa The Song of Food and Dwelling |
Mirabai The Heat of Midnight Tears |
Mueller, Lisel What is Left to Say |
Neruda, Pablo The Poet's Obligation |
Novalis Uplifted is the stone |
Oliver, Colin Cold Mountain |
Osborne, Arthur Be Still |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary I See His Blood Upon the Rose |
Plunkett, Joseph Mary The Splendour of God |
Rahman Baba Soul Train |
Ramprasad (Sen, Ramprasad) Conquer Death with the drumbeat Ma! Ma! Ma! |
Rilke, Rainer Maria For your sake poets sequester themselves |
Rilke, Rainer Maria Anticipating the Passion (from The Life of the Virgin Mary) |
Roethke, Theodore In a Dark Time |
Rosenstock, Gabriel The Smoothness of Stones / Míne na gCloch (from The Last Sasquatch) |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin Fasting |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin The grapes of my body can only become wine |
Rumi, Mevlana Jelaluddin You have fallen in love my dear heart |
Sarmad Companion |
Sarmast, Sachal We are, what are we? |
Sarton, May Now I Become Myself |
Shabistari, Mahmud The Tavern Haunters |
Silesius, Angelus Thou needst not cry to God |
Sinan, Ummi The Rose |
Singh, Darshan How did I ever think silence the language of love? |
Solovyov, Vladimir Near, far off, not here, not there |
Stagnaro, Janaka Going Home |
Stevens, Wallace Not Ideas About the Thing but the Thing Itself |
Stevens, Wallace Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird |
Symeon the New Theologian The Light of Your Way |
Szymborska, Wislawa The Camel |
Tagore, Rabindranath Who are You, who keeps my heart awake? (from The Lover of God) |
Tagore, Rabindranath (38) I want thee, only thee (from Gitanjali) |
Tennyson, Alfred The Human Cry |
Thayumanavar Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate |
Therese of Lisieux My Song for Today |
Thompson, Francis The Hound of Heaven |
Tolkien, J. R. R. Eärendil the Mariner |
Traherne, Thomas Wonder |
Trungpa, Chogyam A Heart Lost and Discovered |
Trungpa, Chogyam Expose |
Trungpa, Chogyam Purifying and Invoking the Four Directions |
Tulsi Sahib The Rainy Season |
Underhill, Evelyn Dynamic Love |
Vaughan, Henry Vain wits and eyes |
Walters, Dorothy Gifts |
Walters, Dorothy Scars of Rapture |
Whitman, Walt I think I could turn and live with animals |
Yamei Swallowing |